


Richard Walsh

Arnold Bennett Himself [6]

Rebecca West

Out of the Depression—and After: A Prophecy [7]

Stuart Chase

The New Russian Policy: June 23, 1931 [8]

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

The Truth about Birth Control: With a Bibliography of Birth Control Literature [9]

Norman Edwin Himes

Notes on the Crisis [10]

Walter Lippmann

The Myth of Rugged American Individualism [11]

Charles Austin Beard

Mr. Hoover's Economic Policy [12]

Rexford Guy Tugwell

The three pharaohs: a dramatic poem [13]

Herman Hagedorn

A Strikeless Industry: A Review of the National Council on Industrial Relations for the Electrical Construction Industry [14]

Marion Hawthorne Hedges

Against Revolution [15]

Gilbert Seldes

Dare the School Build a New Social Order? (Special, 56 pages) [16]

George Sylvester Counts

To Have or to Be—Take Your Choice [17]

Hendrik Willem Van Loon

The Socialist Cure for a Sick Society [18]

Norman Thomas

What Should be Done—Now: A Memorandum on the World Situation [19]

Herbert George Wells

For Revolution [20]

Victor Francis Calverton

College Prolongs Infancy [21]

Horace Meyer Kallen

Gandhiism versus Socialism [22]

Richard Bartlett Gregg

Is There a Case for Foreign Missions? [23]

Pearl Sydenstricker Buck

Technocracy: An Interpretation [24]

Stuart Chase

The Fight Against War. Edited by Alfred Lief. (Special, 64 pages) [25]

Albert Einstein

Education for a New Era: a Call to Leadership [26]

Arthur Gordon Melvin

Unstable Money [27]

John Strachey

and Earl Harding, How to Restore Values: The Quick, Safe Way Out of the Depression [28]

Ambrose William Benkert

The Strange Case of Herr Hitler [29]

Everett Ross Clinchy

A New Social Order [30]

Walter Lippmann

Alice Through the Cellophane [31]

Elwyn Brooks White

and Comstock Glaser, Work Camps for America [32]

Osgood Nichols

The Farmer is Doomed [33]

Louis Morton Hacker

Frescoes for Mr. Rockefeller's City [34]

Archibald MacLeish

Committee of the on Social and Economic Problems, A Call to the Teachers of the Nation [35]

Progressive Education Association

Instead of Dictatorship [36]

Henry Hazlitt

The Promise of Power [37]

Stuart Chase

Nazi Culture: The Brown Darkness Over Germany [38]

Matthew Josephson

The Dilemma of the Supreme Court: Is the N.R.A. Constitutional? [39]

Maurice Finkelstein

What Hitler Wants [40]

Leon Trotsky

Audacity! More Audacity! Always Audacity!, Published in Cooperation with The United Action Campaign Committee


and Marvin Krueger, Study Guide to National Recovery: An Introduction to Economic Problems [42]

Harold Rugg

Marx and America [43]

Bertram David Wolfe

Sweden: Where Capitalism is Controlled [44]

Marquis William Childs

Toward a Planned Economy [45]

Sir Arthur Salter

The Consumer's Dollar [46]

Edward Albert Filene

Rev. , Is Suicide Justifiable? [47]

John Haynes Holmes

and Frederick John Schlink, Discovering Consumers [48]

Mary Catherine Philips

Order on the Air! [49]

James Rorty

Move the Goods! [50]

Stuart Chase

The Great Depression led to a steep decline in book sales in the early 1930s, this led to a small revival in pamphlet literature.[5] Between 1932 and 1934 the John Day Company published a pamphlet series known as The John Day Pamphlet Series. In total, 45 were published. They are as follows:

The last page of pamphlet 45 is currently visible on HathiTrust, listing all pamphlets in order.

Creative Music Series

The Daughters of Valor Series


Finding Out About Geography


Finding Out About Science

Great Men of Science

Here's How Series


Let's Visit series

The Living Drama Series (Series editor: William Kozlenko)


John Day Books in Contemporary Education

The John Day Intimate Guide Series


The New York Times Survey Series

Our Neighbors series

Picture Aids to World Geography


The Reason Why Series


Scientists at Work Series


The World of Architecture

The Young Historian Series (Series editor: Patrick Moore)


The Your Fair Land Series
