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John Howard Yoder

John Howard Yoder (December 29, 1927 – December 30, 1997) was an American Mennonite theologian and ethicist best known for his defense of Christian pacifism. His most influential book was The Politics of Jesus, which was first published in 1972. Yoder was a Mennonite and wrote from an Anabaptist perspective. He spent the latter part of his career teaching at the University of Notre Dame.

John Howard Yoder

(1927-12-29)December 29, 1927

December 30, 1997(1997-12-30) (aged 70)

Anne Marie Guth
(m. 1952)

Die Gespräche zwischen Täufern und Reformatoren in der Schweiz, 1523–1538[1] (1957)

In 1992, media reports emerged that Yoder had sexually abused women in preceding decades, with as many as over 50 complainants. The Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary acknowledged in a statement from 2014 that sexual abuse had taken place and it had been tolerated partly because he was the leading Mennonite theologian of his day and partly because there were not the safeguards in place that there are today.

The Christian and Capital Punishment (1961)

Christ and the Powers (translator) by Hendrik Berkhof (1962)

The Christian Pacifism of Karl Barth (1964)

The Christian Witness to the State (1964)

Discipleship as Political Responsibility (1964)

Reinhold Niebuhr and Christian Pacifism (1968)

Karl Barth and the Problem of War (1970)

The Original Revolution: Essays on Christian Pacifism (1971)

Nevertheless: The Varieties and Shortcomings of Religious Pacifism (1971)

The Politics of Jesus (1972)


The Legacy of Michael Sattler, editor and translator (1973)

The Schleitheim Confession, editor and translator (1977)

Christian Attitudes to War, Peace, and Revolution: A Companion to Bainton (1983)

What Would You Do? A Serious Answer to a Standard Question (1983)

God's Revolution: The Witness of Eberhard Arnold, editor (1984)

The Priestly Kingdom: Social Ethics as Gospel (1984)

When War Is Unjust: Being Honest In Just-War Thinking (1984)

He Came Preaching Peace (1985)

The Fullness of Christ: Paul's Revolutionary Vision of Universal Ministry (1987)

The Death Penalty Debate: Two Opposing Views of Capital Punishment (1991)

A Declaration of Peace: In God's People the World's Renewal Has Begun (with Douglas Gwyn, George Hunsinger, and Eugene F. Roop) (1991)

Body Politics: Five Practices of the Christian Community Before the Watching World (1991)

The Royal Priesthood: Essays Ecclesiological and Ecumenical (1994)

Authentic Transformation: A New Vision of Christ and Culture (with and Diane Yeager) (1996)

Glen Stassen

For the Nations: Essays Evangelical and Public (1997)

To Hear the Word (2001)

Preface to Theology: Christology and Theological Method (2002)

Karl Barth and the Problem of War, and Other Essays on Barth (2003)

The Jewish-Christian Schism Revisited (2003)

Anabaptism and Reformation in Switzerland: An Historical and Theological Analysis of the Dialogues Between Anabaptists and Reformers (2004)

The War of the Lamb: The Ethics of Nonviolence and Peacemaking (2009)

Christian Attitudes to War, Peace and Revolution (2009)

Nonviolence: A Brief History – The Warsaw Lectures (2010)

Theology of Mission: A Believers Church Perspective (2014)

Christian anarchism

Disciple (Christianity) § Radical discipleship

Liberation theology

List of peace activists

Oak Grove Mennonite Church

Peace and conflict studies

Peace churches

Radical Christianity

"A searchable index of the writings of John Howard Yoder" by John Nugent, Branson Parler, and Jason Vance.

The Yoder Index.

at the Wayback Machine (archived March 18, 2008) by Nathan Hobby with James Patton

A simplified summary of John H. Yoder's book: The Politics of Jesus

by Stanley Hauerwas, First Things

Remembering John Howard Yoder

New online articles and video of Yoder, by Jesus Radicals

Articles and video of John Howard Yoder

Online texts by and on Yoder (Tyndale Seminary)

John H. Yoder Reading Room

Primarily unpublished works by Yoder, (by Goshen College Mennonite Historical Library, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, and Mennonite Church USA Archives)

John Howard Yoder Digital Collection