Joseph Kishore
Joseph Kishore (born 1980) is an American Marxist and writer who has been active in the Trotskyist movement since 1999. He is the National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) and a writer for the World Socialist Web Site.[1][2]
Joseph Kishore
In February 2024, SEP (US) National Chairman David North announced that Kishore was selected by the SEP as its presidential candidate in the 2024 US election. His running mate, for vice-president, is Jerry White.
Kishore became active in the socialist movement in 1999 while attending Rutgers University in New Jersey. He joined the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (then called Students for Social Equality), and then later joined the Socialist Equality Party.
Kishore was first elected National Secretary of the SEP in 2008, at the party's founding congress, and has been re-elected to the position since then.[3][4] In 2020, Kishore was the presidential nominee of the SEP in 2020 United States presidential election with running mate Norissa Santa Cruz.[5][6]
Political activity[edit]
Kishore writes and comments on both American and international matters,[7][8][9] as well as on science. He has written and commented on US labor struggles, including the auto industry and public education, as well as the history of the socialist movement.[10]
As National Secretary of the SEP, Kishore participated in the party's intervention in the Workers Inquiry into the Bankruptcy of Detroit, a campaign in defense of the Detroit Institute of Arts and the austerity measures imposed by the 2013 Detroit bankruptcy.[11][12]
2020 Presidential Campaign and Ballot Access[edit]
In 2020, Kishore filed lawsuits in Michigan and California alleging that requirements to gather 200,000 signatures for ballot access was "effectively impossible" given the "ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic and the state's countermeasures to it."[19][20] The lawsuits argued that "the outbreak of the coronavirus left [Kishore's campaign team] no choice but to cancel all subsequent public events and campaign activity, including ballot gathering and initiatives, so as to protect volunteers, staff and the public at large from spreading the coronavirus."