Katana VentraIP

Kogelberg Nature Reserve

Kogelberg Nature Reserve is a nature reserve of 3,000 ha (7,400 acres) comprising the Kogelberg Mountain Range, to the east of Cape Town, South Africa.

Kogelberg Nature Reserve

3,000 ha (7,400 acres)

With about 1600 plant species, it contains a floral diversity per unit area that is greater than anywhere else in the world.[1]

Kogelberg Nature Reserve ocean view.

Kogelberg Nature Reserve ocean view.

Kogelberg Nature Reserve plant life.

Kogelberg Nature Reserve plant life.

Kogelberg Nature Reserve rock formations.

Kogelberg Nature Reserve rock formations.

Kogelberg Nature Reserve path.

Kogelberg Nature Reserve path.

Kogelberg Nature Reserve.

Kogelberg Nature Reserve.

 – Diversity of the natural environment of Cape Town

Biodiversity of Cape Town

List of nature reserves in Cape Town

 – Main indigenous forest-type in the south-western part of South Africa

Southern Afrotemperate Forest

 – Region in the Western Cape, South Africa

Elgin, South Africa

UNESCO - Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve
