Katana VentraIP

Kong: King of the Apes

Kong: King of the Apes is an animated television series that is produced by 41 Entertainment LLC, Arad Animation, and animated by OLM, Digital and Sprite Animation Studios. It is the third animated series in the King Kong franchise. The series was released to Netflix on April 15, 2016. The second season premiered on May 4, 2018, and was the final season of the show to be produced.

Kong: King of the Apes

Avi Arad
Allen Bohbot

Allen Bohbot

United States



Avi Arad
Allen Bohbot

Alexandra Bland

22 minutes

April 15, 2016 (2016-04-15) –
May 4, 2018 (2018-05-04)


Entertainment Weekly provides the following synopsis: "Set in 2050, Kong becomes a wanted fugitive after wreacking [sic] havoc at Alcatraz Island's Natural History and Marine Preserve. What most humans on the hunt for the formidable animal don't realize, though, is that Kong was framed by an evil genius who plans to terrorize the world with an army of enormous robotic dinosaurs. As the only beast strong enough to save humanity from the mechanical dinos, Kong must rely on the help of three kids who know the truth about him".[1]

Lucas Remy (voiced by , later by Giles Panton) is a wildlife enthusiast, Lukas is the son of Leo Remy and twin brother of Richard. He loves and cares about animals, and has the closest bond to Kong. He opposes his brother's wicked schemes with the help of Kong and their friends.

Alessandro Juliani

(voiced by Lee Tockar): As a baby, Kong was captured by poachers but broke free and wound up befriending Lukas when he was young. Some time later when he was bigger, Kong saved Richard from a fire (from which Richard had to get a prosthetic eye) but Richard was not grateful and even tried to blame Kong for the fire. Kong is somewhat child-like (having the mentality of a three-year-old child) but has a strong bond with Lukas and the rest of the team. He became a fugitive of the law after being framed by Richard and so works with Lukas to fight against Richard's evil plans, before Richard's schemes were revealed to public.


Doug "Jonesy" Jones (voiced by Viv Leacock) is Lukas' best (human) friend and the team technical specialist. He has a questionable attraction to Botila.

Amy Quon (voiced by ) is a veterinarian and the older sister of Danny. She is of Chinese descent. Following the first 2 episodes of season 2, she leaves the team and returns to China.

Shannon Chan-Kent

Danny Quon (voiced by ) is an amateur animal-whisperer, able to speak with animals and one of Kong's best friends. He is of Chinese descent.

Vincent Tong

Anita (voiced by ) is a Spanish housekeeper for the Remy family and was the nanny of Lukas and Richard when they were children, and later Kong, loving them all like surrogate sons. Even after they've all grown up, she cares for them deeply. Including Richard, though it breaks Anita's heart that he has changed for the worst. Her grandniece is Franciska.

Tabitha St. Germain

Chatter (voiced by Alessandro Juliani, later Vincent Tong) is an aptly-named parrot a owned by Anita, and is known as the world's first bionic bird after Leo Remy "saved" his life by replacing his damaged wing with a bionic prosthetic wing.

scarlet macaw

Franciska (voiced by Tabitha St. Germain): Franciska (nicknamed Panchi) is Anita's grandniece, and joined the team after they came to save her from a giant anaconda. She is very intelligent for her age and loves animals like Lukas does, and admires him to the point of wanting to work with animals and protect nature.

– Kong, Commissioner Decker, Braig, Dr. Leo Remy

Lee Tockar

– Lukas Remy (Season 1), Chatter (Season 1)

Alessandro Juliani

– Botila

Kathleen Barr

– Amy Quon

Shannon Chan-Kent

– Richard Remy

Samuel Vincent

– Anita, Franciska/Panchi

Tabitha St. Germain

Viv Leacock – Doug "Jonesy" Jones

– Danny Quon, Chatter (Season 2)

Vincent Tong

– Lukas Remy (Season 2)

Giles Panton

-Tanker A.I.

Ian James Corlett

at IMDb

Kong: King of the Apes