Katana VentraIP

Laṇḍā scripts

The Laṇḍā scripts, from the term laṇḍā meaning "without a tail", is a Punjabi word used to refer to writing systems used in Punjab and adjoining areas.[2] In Sindhi, it was known as 'Wāṇiko' or 'Baniyañ'.[3]

For the proposed Western Punjabi linguistic group, see Lahnda.

Laṇḍā scripts

10th-11th century CE

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Panjābī: Gurmukhī, Bahāwalpurī, Lamawasī, (Karikkī, Sarāī, Ochikī Punjābī, Wuch), Thul (in Derajat), Sarika (in Derajat)


Sindhī (named after the various regions, communities, or occupations with which they were associated): Aroṛā, Baniyā, Bhatiā, Haidarābādī, Karadī, Khudāwādī, Khwājā (Khojkī), Haṭāī, Haṭavāṇikā, Laraī, Lohāṇākī (Lohāṇā), Maimon, Rajaī, Sakkar, Shikārpurī, Sewhanī Bhabhira, Thatta (Thattai), Vaniyā, Wangaī, Wāṇiko

Pandey, Anshuman. (2010). L2/10-271R

Proposal to Encode the Sindhi Script

Pandey, Anshuman. (2010). L2/10-013R

Preliminary Proposal to Encode the Landa Script

Pandey, Anshuman. (2009). L2/09-424

Proposal to Encode the Takri Script

(1882). "Vernacular indigenous education in the Panjab". History of indigenous education in the Punjab since annexation and in 1882. Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing, India. pp. 28–45.

Leitner, Gottlieb Wilhelm