Katana VentraIP

Woman with Phlox

Woman with Phlox (French: La Femme aux Phlox) is an oil painting created in 1910 by the French artist Albert Gleizes. The painting was exhibited in Room 41 at the Salon des Indépendants in the Spring of 1911 (no. 2612); the exhibition that introduced Cubism as a group manifestation to the general public for the first time. The complex collection of geometric masses in restrained colors exhibited in Room 41 created a scandal from which Cubism spread throughout Paris, France, Europe and the rest of the world. It was from the preview of the works by Gleizes, Jean Metzinger, Henri Le Fauconnier, Robert Delaunay, and Fernand Léger at the 1911 Indépendants that the term 'Cubism' can be dated. La Femme aux Phlox was again exhibited the following year at the Salon de la Section d'Or, Galerie La Boétie, 1912 (no. 35). La Femme aux Phlox was reproduced in The Cubist Painters, Aesthetic Meditations (Les Peintres Cubistes) by Guillaume Apollinaire, published in 1913. The same year, the painting was again revealed to the general public, this time in the United States, at the International Exhibition of Modern Art (The Armory Show), New York, Chicago, and Boston (no. 195). The work is now in the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Gift of the Esther Florence Whinery Goodrich Foundation in 1965.[1]

Woman with Phlox


Oil on canvas

81.6 cm × 100.2 cm (32.1 in × 39.4 in)

List of works by Albert Gleizes

Salon des Indépendants, Paris, 1911, no. 2612.

Salon de la Section d'Or, Paris, 1912, no. 35.

International Exhibition of Modern Art (The Armory Show), New York, Chicago, Boston, 1913, no. 195.

Rene Gimpel Galerie, New York, 1937, no. 5.

Passedoit Gallery, New York, 1949, no. 4.

Le Cubisme, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Paris, 1953, no. 37.

Twentieth Century Masters, Marlborough Gallery, London, 1955, no. 21.

Albert Gleizes, Marlborough Gallery, London, 1956, no. 8.

Gallery, New York, 1964


Albert Gleizes 1881–1953, a retrospective exhibition, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. This exhibition traveled to the Musée national d'art moderne, Paris; Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund, 1964–65, no.21

Cubism and Its Histories, David Cottington – 2004

Cubism, Guillaume Apollinaire, Dorothea Eimert, Anatoli Podoksik – 2010

The Cubist Painters, Guillaume Apollinaire, Peter F. Read – 2004

Theories of Modern Art: A Source Book by Artists and Critics, Herschel Browning Chipp, Peter Howard Selz – 1968

The Cubist Epoch, Douglas Cooper – 1971

Movement, Manifesto, Melee: The Modernist Group, 1910–1914, Milton A. Cohen – 2004

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston: a guide to the collection, 1981

Albert Gleizes, 1881–1953: A Retrospective Exhibition, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Daniel Robbins – 1964

Transatlantic Modernism, Martin Klepper, Joseph C. Schöpp – 2001

Bulletin, Houston, Texas. Museum of Fine Arts – 1970

Magazine of art, American Federation of Arts, Gray, C., – 1950

Albert Gleizes: For and Against the Twentieth Century, Peter Brooke – 2001

Painters of the Section d'or: the alternatives to cubism, Richard V. West, Albright-Knox Art Gallery – 1967

Art of the avant-gardes, edited by Steve Edwards and Paul Wood – 2004

Modernism: an anthology of sources and documents, Vassiliki Kolocotroni, Jane Goldman, Olga Taxidou – 1998

Abstraction, Non-objectivity, Realism: Twentieth-century Painting, Dewey F. Mosby, Vivian Endicott Barnett – 1987

Toward modern art: from Puvis de Chavannes to Matisse and Picasso, Serge Lemoine, Palazzo Grassi – 2002

Cubism in the Shadow of the War – the avant-garde and politics in Paris, 1905–1914, David Cottington – 1998

Cubism (Le Cubisme), José Pierre – 1966, 1969

Twentieth Century Painters: Nabis, Fauves, Cubists, Bernard Dorival – 1958

Cubism, Edward F. Fry – 1966

World Painting Index: First Supplement 1973–1980: Volume I, Patricia Pate Havlice – 1982

The avant-garde in exhibition: new art in the 20th century, Bruce Altshuler – 1994

Apollinaire on art: essays and reviews, 1902–1918, Guillaume Apollinaire, LeRoy C. Breunig – 2001

1912, Breakup of Tradition, Louise d'Argencourt, Winnipeg Art Gallery – 1987

Jean Metzinger in retrospect, Joann Moser, Daniel Robbins – 1985

The nature of art, John Gassner, Sidney Thomas – 1964

T.S. Eliot's Parisian year, Nancy Duvall Hargrove – 2009

Mondrian, 1892–1914: the path to abstraction : catalogue, Hans Janssen, Piet Mondrian, Joop M. Joosten – 2002

Time & Tide, 1955

Five hundred years of French art, Richard R. Brettell, James Clifton, Douglas Hyland – 1995

The Story of the Armory Show, Milton Wolf Brown – 1988

World painting index: 3. Supplement 1990–1999 ; Vol. 2, Patricia P. Havlice – 2003

Alexandra Exter: monographie, Jean Chauvelin, Nadia Filatoff, John E. Bowlt – 2003

Cubism, Neil Cox – 2000

French News: Theatre and arts, 1966

Pablo Picasso: His Life and Times, Pierre Cabanne – 1977

The twentieth century, 1914–1964, Arthur P. Mendel – 1968

The cubist spirit in its time: catalogue of the exhibition, London Gallery ltd – 1947 – 39 pages

Guillaume Apollinaire as an Art Critic, Harry E. Buckley – 1969

Saur allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon, K.G. Saur Verlag – 2000

Albert Gleizes: 1881–1953, Michel Massenet – 1998

Albert Gleizes: Catalogue raisonné, Daniel Robbins, Anne Varichon, Volume 1, Somogy Edition d'Art, Paris – 1998

Albert Gleizes et tempête dans les Salons, 1910–1914, Musée de Grenoble – 1963

La Section d'or, 1912-1920-1925, Cécile Debray, Françoise Lucbert, Musées de Châteauroux – 2000

L'Oeil, Georges Bernier, Rosamond Bernier – 1992

Cahiers du Musée national d'art moderne – 1981

La collection du Musée national d'art moderne: catalogue, Musée national d'art moderne (France). Conservation, Agnès Angliviel de La Beaumelle, Nadine Pouillon – 1987

Albert Gleizes et le dessin: 11 décembre 1970-25 janvier 1971, André Dubois, Saint-Étienne (Loire, France). Musée d'art et d'industrie – 1970

Au temps des cubistes: 1910–1920, Anisabelle Berès, Galerie Berès – 2006

Vingtième siècle: revue d'histoire – 2002

Histoire de l'art: Du réalisme à nos jours, , Jean Babelon – 1961

Pierre Devambez

Le Siècle de Picasso: L'époque des métamorphoses (1912–1937), Pierre Cabanne – 1975, 1992

Le cubisme, 1907–1914: Exposition 30 janvier-9 avril, 1953, Musée national d'art moderne (France), Jean Cassou, Gabrielle Vienne – 1953

Le Cubisme, Guillaume Apollinaire, , vol. LXVI, nº 1342, 10 October 1912[14]

L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux

Geschichte der Kunst aller Zeiten und Völker, Karl Woermann – 1927

Bilan du cubisme, François Fosca – 1956 – 179 pages

Littérature et peinture en France: du XVIIe au XXe siècle, – 1963

Louis Hautecœur

Acerca Del Purismo: Escritos, 1918–1926, Amédée Ozenfant, Le Corbusier, Antonio Pizza – 1994

Inédits secrets, Blaise Cendrars, Miriam Cendrars – 1969

Quadrum: revue internationale d'art moderne..., 1957

Cubism: a History and an Analysis: 1907 – 1914, John Golding – 1959

1880–1920, René Huyghe, Jean Rudel – 1970

Diaboliques au divan, Jean Bellemin-Noël – 1991

El siglo de Picasso: El nacimiento del Cubismo, 1881–1912 −1982

Regards de critiques d'art: autour de Roger Marx, 1859–1913, Catherine Méneux, Institut national d'histoire de l'art (France) – 2008

Presenza Di Max Jacob in Italia: Da "Lacerba" a "900" (1913–1927), Jean François Rodriguez – 1996

Œil, Georges Bernier, Rosamond Bernier – 1959

L'Avant-garde au XXe siècle, Pierre Cabanne, Pierre Restany – 1969

Le siècle de Picasso: La naissance du cubisme (1881–1912), Pierre Cabanne – 1992

L'aventure futuriste, 1909–1916, Fanette Roche-Pézard – 1983

The 1913 Armory Show in Retrospect, Frank Trapp – 1958

Fondation Albert Gleizes

Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Grand Palais, Agence photographique

Albert Gleizes 1881–1953, a retrospective exhibition, by Daniel Robbins. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, in collaboration with Musée national d'art moderne, Paris; Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund, published 1964

Arthur Jerome Eddy, Cubists and Post-Impressionism, A.C. McClurg & Co., Chicago, 1914, second edition 1919

The Art Institute of Chicago Exhibition of Paintings from the Collection of the Late Arthur Jerome Eddy, 1922

ISBN 0-300-08964-3

Peter Brooke, Albert Gleizes: For and Against the Twentieth Century, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2001