Lab Rats: Elite Force
Lab Rats: Elite Force is an American comedy television series created by Chris Peterson and Bryan Moore that aired on Disney XD from March 2 to October 22, 2016. The series is a combined spinoff of Lab Rats and Mighty Med and stars William Brent, Bradley Steven Perry, Jake Short, Paris Berelc, and Kelli Berglund.
Lab Rats: Elite Force
Chris Peterson & Bryan Moore
Characters created
by Andy Schwartz & Jim Bernstein
United States
Chris Peterson & Bryan Moore
Ken Blankstein
Scott Winig
21–23 minutes
- Britelite Productions
- It's a Laugh Productions
March 2
October 22, 2016
Davenport has come up with a plan to form an elite team of bionic heroes and superheroes to fight a common threat from their headquarters in Centium City. He puts his plan into action after villains have destroyed Mighty Med Hospital.
Lab Rats: Elite Force was created by Chris Peterson and Bryan Moore, the duo who created Lab Rats. It is produced by Britelite Productions and It's a Laugh Productions for Disney XD. On September 3, 2015, it was announced that Lab Rats and Mighty Med would have a joint spinoff series called Lab Rats: Elite Force. Only William Brent, formerly credited as Billy Unger, and Kelli Berglund from Lab Rats and Bradley Steven Perry, Jake Short, and Paris Berelc from Mighty Med were announced as returning for the new spinoff series. Production on the series began in October 2015.[12] It was subsequently announced that Lab Rats: Elite Force would premiere on Disney XD broadcast services on March 2, 2016, and will be available for earlier viewing on the channel's video-on-demand services on February 29, 2016.[13]
In October 2016, actress Kelli Berglund reported on Twitter that there would not be a second season of Lab Rats: Elite Force.[14]
The series premiered in Canada on Disney XD on March 2, 2016,[15] and on Disney Channel on March 6, 2016.[16]
On October 13, 2016, series co-creator Bryan Moore posted on Twitter that there would be a Lab Rats marathon followed by the finale of Lab Rats: Elite Force, "The Attack", which aired on October 22, 2016.[17]