



LASA was founded in 1966 following a meeting sponsored by the Joint Committee on Latin American Studies (composed of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), held at the Hispanic Foundation (now the Hispanic Division) of the Library of Congress, May 7, 1966. LASA's constitution and bylaws were drafted and on May 12, 1966 it was incorporated in Washington, D.C., as a legal, tax exempt organization, "non-profit professional body created by scholarly area specialists to meet their particular and growing needs."[3] The incorporation of the LASA was the culmination of a long process to create such an organization after the failure of a previous attempt. In April 1958, Howard F. Cline, Director of the Hispanic Foundation of the Library of Congress (1952–71) and the ACLS organized a conference to explore the creation of a coordinating body for Latin American area studies. In 1959, the ACLS and the SSRC formed the Joint Committee on Latin American Studies, which ultimately led to the founding of LASA as an organization.[4] The Constitution and Bylaws of the Latin American Studies Association were published in the Latin American Research Review in 1966.[5] LASA's first President after its 1966 incorporation was political scientist Kalman Silvert, who published extensively on Latin American political systems and conflict.[6] LASA honors Silvert's memory with a major prize.


LASA's mission is "to foster intellectual discussion, research, and teaching on Latin America, the Caribbean, and its people throughout the Americas, promote the interests of its diverse membership, and encourage civic engagement through network building and public debate."[2]

The theme of the 2019 Boston LASA Congress was “Justice and Inclusion".

The theme of the 2024 Bogotá, Colombia LASA Congress was "Reaction and Resistance: imagining possible futures in the Americas"


Every year, specialists on Latin America gather at the LASA International Congress. Featuring over 900 sessions, including plenary sessions and informal meetings, the Congress is the world's premier forum for expert discussion on Latin America and the Caribbean.

Regional Subgroups[edit]

At the 1992 LASA Congress in Los Angeles, scholars specializing in Brazil founded the Brazilian Studies Association (BRASA).[8] BRASA now holds independent biennial meetings.[8]

LASA/OXFAM Dissertation Award[10]

Martin Diskin

Book Award[11]

Bryce Wood

LASA/Oxfam America Martin Diskin Memorial Lectureship


Premio Iberoamericano Book Award


LASA Media Award


Award[15] - named for the first president of LASA

Kalman H. Silvert

Award [16]

Luciano Tomassini

Fellowship for Mexican History - named for University of Iowa historian of Mexican liberalism

Charles A. Hale

Democracy Award and Lectureship

Guillermo O'Donnell

Book Prize in Mexican History, named for a founder of LASA[17]

Howard F. Cline


LASA publishes an interdisciplinary scholarly journal, the Latin American Research Review (LARR) founded in 1965 by a consortium of U.S. universities.[18] LARR is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes original research and surveys of current research on Latin America and the Caribbean.

LASA has established a publishing house, the Latin American Research Commons, that publishes LARR and other books and journals.[19]

LASA website