Leninist Komsomol of the Russian Federation
The Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation (LYCL RF; Russian: Ленинский коммунистический союз молодёжи Российской Федерации, ЛКСМ РФ; Leninskij kommunističeskij sojuz molodjoži Rossijskoj Federacii, LKSM RF), usually known as the Leninist Komsomol of the Russian Federation (komsomol being a Russian syllabic abbreviation for Young Communist League), is the youth organization of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
Leninist Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation
Ленинский коммунистический союз молодёжи Российской Федерации
Vladimir Isakov
40,000 (2013)
Shturm, Komsomolka, Levo Rulya, Plamya (The Flame)
Up until February 2011 it was known as the Union of Communist Youth of the Russian Federation (Russian: Союз коммунистической молодёжи Российской Федерации, СКМ РФ; Sojuz kommunističeskoj molodjoži Rossijskoj Federacii, SKM RF).
To reach the objectives of the organization, LKSM leads a variety of activities, such as: Organizing meetings, rallies, demonstrations, picketing with the purpose of expressing an opinion on current societal and youth issues. Participating in election campaigns for the Communist Party, put forward, in collaboration with the Communist Party, its representatives in government bodies at various levels. Developing a network of regional, local and primary LKSM offices. Organizing at the universities: courses, clubs, libraries, studios, summer camps etc.[3]