Low interest rates and declining returns exacerbating longevity risk[edit]

The collapse in returns on government bonds is taking place against the backdrop of a protracted fall in returns for other core assets such as blue chip stocks, and, more importantly, a silent demographic shock. Factoring in the corresponding longevity risk, pension premiums could be raised significantly while disposable incomes stagnate and employees work longer years before retiring.

Vincent Bazi & M. Nicolas J. Firzli, "1st annual World Pensions & Investments Forum", Revue Analyse Financière, Q2 2011, pp. 7–8

Thomas Crawford, Richard de Haan, & Chad Runchey, "Longevity risk quantification and management: a review of relevant literature", The Society of Actuaries, March 2008

Gavin Jones, "Financial Aspects of Longevity Risk", Cass School International Conference on Longevity, 18 Feb. 2005

Longevity risk transfer or reinsurance news and coverage

List of longevity swap, reinsurance and risk transfer deals