Married to Jonas
Married to Jonas is an American reality documentary television series on E! that debuted on August 19, 2012. It primarily focuses on Kevin Jonas, the eldest of the Jonas Brothers and his married life with his wife Danielle Jonas. However, the first season also focused on the 2012 "comeback" of the Jonas Brothers.[1]
Married to Jonas
United States
- Adam Sher
- Ryan Seacrest
- Stephanie Bloch Chambers
20 to 23 minutes
August 19, 2012
May 26, 2013
In November 2012, E! announced that the series was renewed for a second season, which premiered April 21, 2013.[2] The second season follows the couple as the Jonas Brothers finish their would-be fifth studio album and head back on their final United States tour after three years in hiatus, before the unexpected breakup of the band. Dani also jump-starts her own business endeavors by opening her own business in New Jersey and the Jonas and Deleasa families become closer.[3][4][5] The show was cancelled after the end of the second season.