Megamind (franchise)
Megamind is an American media franchise created and owned by DreamWorks Animation, which began with the 2010 animated film of the same name written by Alan J. Schoolcraft and Brent Simons. The franchise follows the adventures of a supervillain named Megamind who suddenly gets a chance to defend Metro City from the forces of evil after the superhero Metro Man retires.
Alan Schoolcraft
Brent Simons
Megamind (2010)
Megamind vs. the Doom Syndicate (2024)
Megamind: The Button of Doom (2011)
Megamind Rules! (2024)
Megamind: Ultimate Showdown (2010)
Megamind: Mega Team Unite (2010)
Short film[edit]
Megamind: The Button of Doom (2011)[edit]
Megamind: The Button of Doom is a 2011 animated short film directed by Simon J. Smith and written by Alan Schoolcraft and Brent Simons, released on DVD/Blu-ray with Megamind on February 25, 2011, starring Will Ferrell and David Cross. Produced by DreamWorks Animation and Pacific Data Images, the short sets after the events of the film to show off Megamind's first day as Defender of Metro City.[9]
Television series[edit]
Megamind Rules! (2024)[edit]
On February 11, 2022, it was announced that Peacock had ordered a CG animated series from DreamWorks Animation Television serving as a follow-up to the film, originally titled Megamind's Guide to Defending Your City. The series chronicles the new hero's quest to become a social media influencer and a true superhero. The original writers of the film, Alan Schoolcraft and Brent Simons, are signed on as executive producers with Celebrity Deathmatch creator Eric Fogel. JD Ryznar is co-executive producer and story editor.[10]
On August 5, 2022, Simons confirmed that the show's writing was completed and production was moving forward.[11]
The series premiered on March 1, 2024.[12][8]