Mercaz Olami
MERCAZ Olami is a Zionist political organization representing the world Masorti/Conservative Movement of Judaism at the World Zionist Organization, Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth Leyisrael and Keren HaYesod.[1]
By running for election to the democratically-elected parliament of the Jewish people, the World Zionist Congress, and working year-round through these four so-called "national institutions" of the Jewish people founded by Herzl and the Zionist movement, the MERCAZ movement advocates for full equality for Masorti/Conservative Judaism and works to advance the Movement's values and interests in Israel. This includes recognition of Conservative and Reform conversions, equal funding for Masorti/Conservative institutions, protecting the Law of Return, promoting religious pluralism, and supporting the implementation of the Western Wall compromise agreement that would allow all streams to practice freely at Judaism's holiest site. 'MERCAZ' is the Hebrew word for 'center', whilst 'olami' means 'worldwide' or 'global'.
Leadership and Organization[edit]
Since 2020, MERCAZ Olami has five representatives in the National Institutions: Dr. Yizhar Hess, has served as Vice Chairman of the World Zionist Organization, on the Board of Directors of JNF, and as a member of the Jewish Agency Executive. Rabbi Mauricio Balter serves as a member of the Executive of the World Zionist Organization, and on the board of directors of Keren Hayesod, Tammy Gottlieb serves as members of the Executive of the World Zionist Organization. Emily Levy Shochat and Gadi Perl serve on the Board of Directors of KKL. MERCAZ has affiliates in 15 countries that represent Masorti/Conservative Jews in their respective countries' Zionist federations. In the United States, MERCAZ's affiliate is MERCAZ USA."
The current President of MERCAZ is Alan Silverstein,[2] a Masorti/Conservative Rabbi, and member of Congregation Agudath Israel in New Jersey. He succeeded Stephen Wolnek in 2016.[3]
The current executive director is Mauricio Balter,[2] the executive director of Masorti Olami.[4] Prior to this, it was Rabbi Tzvi Graetz.[5]