Method of analytic tableaux
In proof theory, the semantic tableau[1] (/tæˈbloʊ, ˈtæbloʊ/; plural: tableaux), also called an analytic tableau,[2] truth tree,[1] or simply tree,[2] is a decision procedure for sentential and related logics, and a proof procedure for formulae of first-order logic.[1] An analytic tableau is a tree structure computed for a logical formula, having at each node a subformula of the original formula to be proved or refuted. Computation constructs this tree and uses it to prove or refute the whole formula.[3] The tableau method can also determine the satisfiability of finite sets of formulas of various logics. It is the most popular proof procedure for modal logics.[4]
A method of truth trees contains a fixed set of rules for producing trees from a given logical formula, or set of logical formulas. Those trees will have more formulas at each branch, and in some cases, a branch can come to contain both a formula and its negation, which is to say, a contradiction. In that case, the branch is said to close.[1] If every branch in a tree closes, the tree itself is said to close. In virtue of the rules for construction of tableaux, a closed tree is a proof that the original formula, or set of formulas, used to construct it was itself self-contradictory,[1] and therefore false. Conversely, a tableau can also prove that a logical formula is tautologous: if a formula is tautologous, its negation is a contradiction, so a tableau built from its negation will close.[1]
In his Symbolic Logic Part II, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (also known by his literary pseudonym, Lewis Carroll) introduced the Method of Trees, the earliest modern use of a truth tree.[5]
The method of semantic tableaux was invented by the Dutch logician Evert Willem Beth (Beth 1955)[6] and simplified, for classical logic, by Raymond Smullyan (Smullyan 1968, 1995).[7] Smullyan's simplification, "one-sided tableaux", is described here. Smullyan's method has been generalized to arbitrary many-valued propositional and first-order logics by Walter Carnielli (Carnielli 1987).[8]
Tableaux can be intuitively seen as sequent systems upside-down. This symmetrical relation between tableaux and sequent systems was formally established in (Carnielli 1991).[9]
Propositional logic[edit]
A formula in propositional logic consists of letters, which stand for propositions, and connectives for conjunction, disjunction, conditionals, biconditionals, and negation. The truth or falsehood of a proposition is called its truth value. A formula, or set of formulas, is said to be satisfiable if there is a possible assignment of truth-values to the propositional letters such that the entire formula, which combines the letters with connectives, is itself true as well.[1] Such an assignment is said to satisfy the formula.[2]
A tableau checks whether a given set of formulae is satisfiable or not. It can be used to check either validity or entailment: a formula is valid if its negation is unsatisfiable, and formulae imply if is unsatisfiable.
The following table shows some notational variants for logical connectives, for readers who may be more familiar with a different notation from the one used here. In general, as of the time of the inclusion of this sentence, the first symbol in each line has been used in the text of this article; however, since Wikipedia editors are not rule-bound to use consistent notation within or between articles, this may change.
Tableau calculi and their properties[edit]
A tableau calculus is a set of rules that allows building and modification of a tableau. Propositional tableau rules, tableau rules without unification, and tableau rules with unification, are all tableau calculi. Some important properties a tableau calculus may or may not possess are completeness, destructiveness, and proof confluence.
A tableau calculus is called complete if it allows building a tableau proof for every given unsatisfiable set of formulae. The tableau calculi mentioned above can be proved complete.
A remarkable difference between tableau with unification and the other two calculi is that the latter two calculi only modify a tableau by adding new nodes to it, while the former one allows substitutions to modify the existing part of the tableau. More generally, tableau calculi are classed as destructive or non-destructive depending on whether they only add new nodes to tableau or not. Tableau with unification is therefore destructive, while propositional tableau and tableau without unification are non-destructive.
Proof confluence is the property of a tableau calculus being able to obtain a proof for an arbitrary unsatisfiable set from an arbitrary tableau, assuming that this tableau has itself been obtained by applying the rules of the calculus. In other words, in a proof confluent tableau calculus, from an unsatisfiable set one can apply whatever set of rules and still obtain a tableau from which a closed one can be obtained by applying some other rules.
Proof procedures[edit]
A tableau calculus is simply a set of rules that prescribes how a tableau can be modified. A proof procedure is a method for actually finding a proof (if one exists). In other words, a tableau calculus is a set of rules, while a proof procedure is a policy of application of these rules. Even if a calculus is complete, not every possible choice of application of rules leads to a proof of an unsatisfiable set. For example, is unsatisfiable, but both tableaux with unification and tableaux without unification allow the rule for the universal quantifiers to be applied repeatedly to the last formula, while simply applying the rule for disjunction to the third one would directly lead to closure.
For proof procedures, a definition of completeness has been given: a proof procedure is strongly complete if it allows finding a closed tableau for any given unsatisfiable set of formulae. Proof confluence of the underlying calculus is relevant to completeness: proof confluence is the guarantee that a closed tableau can be always generated from an arbitrary partially constructed tableau (if the set is unsatisfiable). Without proof confluence, the application of a 'wrong' rule may result in the impossibility of making the tableau complete by applying other rules.
Propositional tableaux and tableaux without unification have strongly complete proof procedures. In particular, a complete proof procedure is that of applying the rules in a fair way. This is because the only way such calculi cannot generate a closed tableau from an unsatisfiable set is by not applying some applicable rules.
For propositional tableaux, fairness amounts to expanding every formula in every branch. More precisely, for every formula and every branch the formula is in, the rule having the formula as a precondition has been used to expand the branch. A fair proof procedure for propositional tableaux is strongly complete.
For first-order tableaux without unification, the condition of fairness is similar, with the exception that the rule for universal quantifiers might require more than one application. Fairness amounts to expanding every universal quantifier infinitely often. In other words, a fair policy of application of rules cannot keep applying other rules without expanding every universal quantifier in every branch that is still open once in a while.