Michael Ellman
Michael John Ellman (born 1942, United Kingdom)[1] has been a professor of economics at the University of Amsterdam since 1978.[2] He is now an emeritus professor. He has written on the economics of the Soviet Union, transition economics, Russia and comparative economic systems.
Foreign member (academician) of the .
Russian Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship
Awarded the 1998 for his "contribution to the development of the social sciences" by the International N. D. Kondratieff Foundation.[3]
Kondratieff prize
Planning Problems in the USSR: The contribution of mathematical methods to their solution (Cambridge: , 1973). ISBN 978-0521202497 (Italian edition 1979, Hungarian translation for internal official use 1970s, Russian translation for internal official use 1970s.)
Cambridge University Press
Socialist Planning (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1st ed. 1979, 2nd ed. 1989, 3rd ed. 2014). 9781107427327
"Did the agricultural surplus provide the resources for the increase in investment in the USSR during the First Five Year Plan?," (December 1975). (Russian translation Voprosy ekonomiki January 1992.)
Economic Journal
"Transformation, depression and economics: some lessons," (August 1994). Reprinted in P.G.Hare & J.R.Davis (eds) Transition to the market economy (London: Routledge, 1997), vol.1.
Journal of Comparative Economics
with V.Kontorovich (eds), The destruction of the Soviet economic system: an insiders' history (New York: M.E.Sharpe, 1998).
"The 1947 Soviet famine and the entitlement approach to famines," (September 2000).