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Musical tuning

In music, there are two common meanings for tuning:

Tuning to a pitch with one's voice is called matching pitch and is the most basic skill learned in .

ear training

Turning to increase or decrease the tension on strings so as to control the pitch. Instruments such as the harp, piano, and harpsichord require a wrench to turn the tuning pegs, while others such as the violin can be tuned manually.


Modifying the length or width of the tube of a , brass instrument, pipe, bell, or similar instrument to adjust the pitch. In woodwind instruments, this is usually done by adjusting the instrument's mouthpiece or neck to change the pitch. In brass instruments, this is usually done by moving a tuning slide.

wind instrument

A tone caused by a vibration twice the frequency of another (the ratio of 1:2) forms the natural sounding .


A tone caused by a vibration three times the frequency of another (the ratio of 1:3) forms the natural sounding , or perfect fifth (ratio of 2:3) when octave-reduced.

perfect twelfth