Katana VentraIP

Myth of Er

The Myth of Er (/ɜːr/; Greek: Ἤρ, translit. ér, gen.: Ἠρός) is a legend that concludes Plato's Republic (10.614–10.621). The story includes an account of the cosmos and the afterlife that greatly influenced religious, philosophical, and scientific thought for many centuries.

The story begins as a man named Er, son of Armenios (Ἀρμένιος), of Pamphylia, dies in battle. When the bodies of those who died in the battle are collected, ten days after his death, Er remains undecomposed. Two days later he revives on his funeral-pyre and tells others of his journey in the afterlife, including an account of reincarnation and the celestial spheres of the astral plane. The tale includes the idea that moral people are rewarded and immoral people punished after death.

Although called the Myth of Er, the word "myth" here means "word, speech, account", rather than the modern meaning. The word is used at the end when Socrates explains that because Er did not drink the waters of Lethe, the account (mythos in Greek) was preserved for us.

The moral[edit]

In the dialogue Plato introduces the story by having Socrates explain to Glaucon that the soul must be immortal, and cannot be destroyed. Socrates tells Glaucon the Myth of Er to explain that the choices we make and the character we develop will have consequences after death. Earlier in Book II of the Republic, Socrates points out that even the gods can be tricked by a clever charlatan who appears just while unjust in his psyche, in that they would welcome the pious but false "man of the people" and would reject and punish the truly just but falsely accused man. In the Myth of Er the true characters of the falsely-pious and those who are immodest in some way are revealed when they are asked to choose another life and pick the lives of tyrants. Those who lived happy but middling lives in their previous life are most likely to choose the same for their future life, not necessarily because they are wise, but out of habit. Those who were treated with infinite injustice, despairing of the possibility of a good human life, choose the souls of animals for their future incarnation. The philosophic life — which identifies the types of lives that emerge from experience, character, and fate — allow men to make good choices when presented with options for a new life. Whereas success, fame, and power may provide temporary heavenly rewards or hellish punishments, philosophic virtues always work to one's advantage.

Orbit 1 – Stars

Orbit 2 – Saturn

Orbit 3 – Jupiter

Orbit 4 – Mars

Orbit 5 – Sun

Orbit 6 – Venus

Orbit 7 – Mercury

Orbit 8 – Moon

The myth mentions "The Spindle of Necessity", in that the cosmos is represented by the Spindle attended by sirens and the three daughters of the Goddess Necessity known collectively as The Fates, whose duty is to keep the rims of the spindle revolving. The Fates, Sirens, and Spindle are used in the Republic, partly to help explain how known celestial bodies revolved around the Earth according to the cosmology in the Republic.

The "Spindle of Necessity", according to Plato, is "shaped... like the ones we know"—the standard Greek spindle, consisting of a hook, shaft, and whorl. The hook was fixed near the top of the shaft on its long side. On the other end resided the whorl. The hook was used to spin the shaft, which in turn spun the whorl on the other end.

Placed on the whorl of his celestial spindle were 8 "orbits", whereof each created a perfect circle. Each "orbit" is given different descriptions by Plato.

Based on Plato's descriptions within the passage, the orbits can be identified as those of the classical planets, corresponding to the Aristotelian planetary spheres:

The descriptions of the rims accurately fit the relative distance and revolution speed of the respective bodies as would appear to an observer from Earth (aside from the Moon, which revolves around the Earth slightly more slowly than the sun).

Comparative mythology[edit]

Some scholars have connected the Myth of Er to the Armenian legend of Ara the Handsome (Armenian: Արա Գեղեցիկ Ara Gełec‘ik).[2] In the Armenian story, the king Ara was so handsome that the Assyrian queen Semiramis waged war against Armenia to capture him and bring him back to her, alive, so she could marry him. During the battle, Semiramis was victorious, but Ara was slain despite her orders to capture him alive. To avoid continuous warfare with the Armenians, Semiramis, reputed to be a sorceress, took Ara's body and prayed to the gods to raise him from the dead. When the Armenians advanced to avenge their leader, Semiramis disguised one of her lovers as Ara and spread the rumor that the gods had brought Ara back to life, convincing the Armenians not to continue the war.[3][4] In one tradition, Semiramis' prayers are successful and Ara returns to life.[3]

Armen Petrosyan suggests that Plato's version reflects an earlier form of the story where Er (Ara) rises from the grave.[5]

Allegorical interpretations of Plato

Axis mundi

Dante's Inferno

Daniil Andreev

Dream of Scipio

Near-death experience

The Gospel of Afranius


Biesterfeld, Wolfgang (1969). Der platonische Mythos des Er (Politeia 614 b - 621 d): Versuch einer Interpretation und Studien zum Problem östlicher Parallelen (Diss.) (in German). Münster.  468983268.


Brumbaugh, Robert S. (1951). "Colors of the Hemispheres in Plato's Myth of Er (Republic 616 E)". Classical Philology. 46 (3): 173–176. :10.1086/363397. S2CID 162319427.


Brumbaugh, Robert S. (1954). "Plato Republic 616 E: The Final "Law of Nines"". Classical Philology. 49 (1): 33–34. :10.1086/363719. S2CID 159706164.


Gonzalez, F. J. (2012). "Combating Oblivion: The Myth of Er as Both Philosophy's Challenge and Inspiration". In Collobert, C.; Destrée, P.; Gonzales, F. J. (eds.). Plato and Myth. Studies on the Use and Status of Platonic Myths. Supplements. Vol. 337. Leiden-Boston: Brill. pp. 259–278. ISBN 978-90-04-21866-6.


Halliwell, S. (2007). "The Life-and-Death Journey of the Soul: Interpreting the Myth of Er". In Ferrari, G. R. F. (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Plato's Republic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 445–473.  978-0-521-54842-7.


Keum, Tae-Yeoun (2020). . American Political Science Review. 114 (1): 54–67. doi:10.1017/S0003055419000662. S2CID 210542809.

"Plato's Myth of Er and the Reconfiguration of Nature"

Moors, Kent (1988). "An Apolline Presence in Plato's Myth of Er?". Bijdragen. 49 (4): 435–437. :10.2143/BIJ.49.4.2015443.


Morrison, J. S. (1955). "Parmenides and Er". Journal of Hellenic Studies. 75: 59–68. :10.2307/629170. JSTOR 629170. S2CID 162202546.


Richardson, Hilda (1926). "The Myth of Er (Plato, Republic, 616b)". The Classical Quarterly. 20 (3/4): 113–133. :10.1017/S0009838800024861. S2CID 246874824.


Waters Bennett, Josephine (1939). "Milton's Use of the Vision of Er". Modern Philology. 36 (4): 351–358. :10.1086/388395. S2CID 162381297.


– text from Luke Dysinger, O.S.B.

The Myth of Er

, retelling by W. M. L. Hutchinson.

The Vision of Er