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National Cancer Institute

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) coordinates the United States National Cancer Program and is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is one of eleven agencies that are part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The NCI conducts and supports research, training, health information dissemination, and other activities related to the causes, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer; the supportive care of cancer patients and their families; and cancer survivorship.

Agency overview

August 5, 1937 (1937-08-05)

Office of the Director,
31 Center Drive, Building 31, Bethesda, Maryland,

NCI is the oldest and has the largest budget and research program of the 27 institutes and centers of the NIH ($6.9 billion in 2020).[6] It fulfills the majority of its mission via an extramural program that provides grants for cancer research. Additionally, the National Cancer Institute has intramural research programs in Bethesda, Maryland, and at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research[7] at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland. The NCI receives more than US$5 billion in funding each year.[8]

The NCI supports a nationwide network of 72 NCI-designated Cancer Centers with a dedicated focus on cancer research and treatment[9] and maintains the National Clinical Trials Network.[10]

August 5, 1937: President signed into law the National Cancer Institute Act (Pub. Law 75-244; 50 Stat. 559), which established the National Cancer Institute, as a division of the Public Health Service.[11][12][13][14]

Franklin D. Roosevelt

1940: The first issue of the was published.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

1944: The made the NCI an operating division of the National Institutes of Health by its passage of the Public Health Service Act. Congress later amended the Public Health Service Act with the National Cancer Act of 1971, to broaden the scope and responsibilities of the NCI "in order more effectively to carry out the national effort against cancer."

United States Congress

1955: NCI established the Clinical Trials Cooperative Group Program, which included several research networks that conducted cancer clinical research primarily under the sponsorship of NCI.

1957: The first cancer, , was cured with chemotherapy at NCI.


1960: NCI began funding -supported cancer centers.


1971: President converted the U.S. Army's former biological warfare facilities at Fort Detrick, Maryland, to house research activities on the causes, treatment, and prevention of cancer.

Richard Nixon

1971: The declares "war on cancer," establishes the National Cancer Advisory Board, and allots additional funding for cancer research.

National Cancer Act of 1971

1975: The opened in Frederick, Maryland, as a Federally Funded Research and Development Center

Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research

1993: The encourages NCI to expand its efforts in prostate cancer, breast and other cancers which primarily or solely affected women, and authorized increased appropriations.

NIH Revitalization Act of 1993

1998: Establishes the to study pseudoscientific alternative medicine treatments for cancer

Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine

2009: The provided US$10 billion in additional funding for the NIH; the NCI received US$1.3 billion from that amount.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

2016: The increased funding for biomedical research. The "Cancer Moonshot" program promised additional support for cancer research.[15]

21st Century Cures Act

On October 17, 2017, was sworn in as the 15th director of the National Cancer Institute. In April 2019, Sharpless left NCI to serve as the acting Commissioner of Food and Drugs.[16] He returned to the institute in November 2019 as director.[17]

Norman Sharpless

Center for Cancer Research

senior adviser

Susan Shurin

chief scientist at Cancer Biomarkers Research Group of the Division of Cancer Prevention

Sudhir Srivastava

and Barry Rosenstein, lead investigators for the Radio-Genomics Consortium (established 2009)

Catharine West

Retrieved 11 June 2010.

National Cancer Institute

. National Cancer Institute. Retrieved 18 August 2004.


. National Cancer Institute. Retrieved 18 August 2004.


Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP)

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Official website

account on USAspending.gov


: NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms (utilizing non-technical language) • NCI Dictionary of Genetics Terms (for healthcare professionals) • NCI Drug Dictionary (includes links for potential clinical trials)

NCI Dictionaries

in A Short History of the National Institutes of Health, an online exhibit by the Office of NIH History


from the NIH Almanac

Important Events in NCI History


Major NCI Milestones