Katana VentraIP

News leak

A news leak is the unsanctioned release of confidential information to news media. It can also be the premature publication of information by a news outlet, of information that it has agreed not to release before a specified time, in violation of a news embargo.[1]

and policy makers may wish to judge the reaction of the public to their plans before committing (a trial balloon). Leaked information may be plausibly denied without blame for proposed unpopular measures affecting their perpetrators.


People with access to confidential information may find it to their advantage to make it public, without themselves appearing to be responsible for publishing the information. For example, information which will embarrass political opponents, or cause damage to national security, may be leaked.

People privy to secret information about matters which they consider to be wrong or against the public interest — often referred to as "whistleblowers" — may leak the information.


People may be enticed to expose secret information for other self-serving motives, such as financial gain.

There are many reasons why information might be leaked. Some of these include:

The , confidential documents leaked on 3 April 2016 regarding offshore tax havens.

Panama Papers

The , confidential documents leaked on 5 November 2017 regarding offshore tax havens.

Paradise Papers

The collection of FinCEN documents brought to the public's attention in September 2020.

FinCEN Files

The , confidential documents leaked on 3 October 2021 regarding offshore tax havens.

Pandora Papers

Internet leak



Blair Jr., Clay, Silent Victory: The US Submarine War against Japan, Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2001

Lanning, Michael Lee (Lt. Col.), Senseless Secrets: The Failures of U.S. Military Intelligence from George Washington to the Present, Carol Publishing Group, 1995