Next Australian federal election
The next Australian federal election will be held on or before 27 September 2025 to elect members of the 48th Parliament of Australia. All 150 seats in the House of Representatives and likely 40 of the 76 seats in the Senate will be contested. It is expected that at this election, the Labor government of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will be seeking re-election to a second term in office, opposed by the Liberal/National Coalition under Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton.
Voter registration[edit]
Enrolment of eligible voters is compulsory. Voters must notify the AEC within 8 weeks of a change of address or after turning 18. The electoral rolls are closed for new enrolments or update of details about a week after the issue of writs for election.[12] Enrolment is optional for 16 or 17-year-olds, but they cannot vote until they turn 18,[13] and persons who have applied for Australian citizenship may also apply for provisional enrolment which takes effect on the granting of citizenship.[14]
The election of senators must take place within one year before the terms expire for half-Senate elections,[15] so that the writs for a half-Senate election cannot be issued earlier than 1 July 2024. Since campaigns are for a minimum of 33 days, the earliest possible date for a simultaneous House/half-Senate election is Saturday, 3 August 2024.[16] The latest that a half-Senate election could be held must allow time for the votes to be counted and the writs to be returned before the newly elected senators take office on 1 July 2025. The previous election's writs were returned on 24 June 2022, 34 days after the 2022 federal election.[17] Using this time frame, the last possible date for a half-Senate election to take place is Saturday 24 May 2025.
A double dissolution (a deadlock-breaking provision to dissolve both houses of parliament) cannot be called within six months before the date of the expiry of the House of Representatives.[18] That means that any double dissolution of the 47th Parliament would have had to be granted by 25 January 2025. Allowing for the same stages indicated above, the last possible date for a double dissolution election would be 29 March 2025.[16] This can only occur if a bill that passes the House of Representatives is rejected by the Senate twice, at least three months apart.
The constitutional and legal provisions which impact on the choice of election dates include:[19][20]