Neyman construction
Neyman construction, named after Jerzy Neyman, is a frequentist method to construct an interval at a confidence level such that if we repeat the experiment many times the interval will contain the true value of some parameter a fraction of the time.
Assume are random variables with joint pdf , which depends on k unknown parameters. For convenience, let be the sample space defined by the n random variables and subsequently define a sample point in the sample space as
Neyman originally proposed defining two functions and such that for any sample point,,
Given an observation, , the probability that lies between and is defined as with probability of or . These calculated probabilities fail to draw meaningful inference about since the probability is simply zero or unity. Furthermore, under the frequentist construct the model parameters are unknown constants and not permitted to be random variables.[1]
For example if , then . Likewise, if , then
As Neyman describes in his 1937 paper, suppose that we consider all points in the sample space, that is, , which are a system of random variables defined by the joint pdf described above. Since and are functions of they too are random variables and one can examine the meaning of the following probability statement:
That is, where and and are the upper and lower confidence limits for [1]
Coverage probability[edit]
The coverage probability, , for Neyman construction is the frequency of experiments in which the confidence interval contains the actual value of interest. Generally, the coverage probability is set to a confidence. For Neyman construction, the coverage probability is set to some value where .
A Neyman construction can be carried out by performing multiple experiments that construct data sets corresponding to a given value of the parameter. The experiments are fitted with conventional methods, and the space of fitted parameter values constitutes the band which the confidence interval can be selected from.