Katana VentraIP

Nuclear Safety, Research, Demonstration, and Development Act of 1980

Nuclear Safety, Research, Demonstration, and Development Act of 1980, 42 U.S.C. § 9701, established nuclear safety policy for nuclear power plants supplying electric energy and electricity generation within the United States. The Act authorized a five-year demonstration program simulating conditions with light water nuclear reactors for the observation of control monitoring and phases of operation for nuclear reactor cores. The U.S. Department of Energy was authorized by the Act of Congress to conduct the nuclear reactor demonstration study while establishing a reactor engineering simulator facility at a United States national laboratory. The nuclear safety demonstration program was to provide research data regarding reactor design and simplification improvements given thermal power station simulations subjecting nuclear reactors to hypothesized calamity and customary operating conditions.

Long title

An Act to provide for an accelerated and coordinated program of light water nuclear reactor safety research, development and demonstration, to be carried out by the Department of Energy.


Nuclear Safety Research and Development Act of 1980

December 22, 1980

42 U.S.C. ch. 104 § 9701 et seq.

The H.R. 7865 legislation was passed by the 96th U.S. Congressional session and enacted by the 39th President of the United States Jimmy Carter on December 22, 1980.

Proclamation of the Act[edit]

Congressional Objectives[edit]

42 U.S.C. Chapter 104 § 9701

Boiling water reactor safety systems


Chernobyl disaster

Chicago Pile-1

Control rod

High-level radioactive waste management

International Nuclear Event Scale

Nuclear licensing

Nuclear reactor accidents in the United States

Nuclear reactor safety systems

Nuclear safety in the United States

Passive nuclear safety

Price–Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity Act

Reactor protection system

Three Mile Island accident

Windscale fire

Media related to Nuclear power plants at Wikimedia Commons

Media related to Nuclear reactors at Wikimedia Commons

(PDF). U.S. GAO ~ EMD-81-108. U.S. Government Accountability Office. August 4, 1981. OCLC 8011248.

"Energy: Better Oversight Needed for Safety and Health Activities at DOE's Nuclear Facilities"

(PDF). U.S. GAO ~ EMD-78-110. U.S. Government Accountability Office. March 30, 1979. OCLC 4865722.

"Government Operations: Areas Around Nuclear Facilities Should Be Better Prepared for Radiological Emergencies"

Carter, Jimmy E. (October 30, 1979). . Internet Archive. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Service. pp. 2062–2063.

"President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island: Remarks on Receiving the Commission's Final Report - October 30, 1979"

Kemeny Commission (October 30, 1979). . Internet Archive. New York: Pergamon Press.

"Report of the President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island: The Need for Change, The Legacy of TMI"

Carter, Jimmy E. (March 18, 1980). . Internet Archive. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Service. pp. 504–506.

"Executive Order 12202 - Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee - March 18, 1980"

Carter, Jimmy E. (May 7, 1980). . Internet Archive. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Service. p. 849.

"Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee: Appointment of the Membership - May 7, 1980"

Ris, Howard (May 7, 1986). . New York Times. Cambridge, Massachusetts.

"Chernobyl Is a Warning to Improve Nuclear Safety"