Katana VentraIP

Paris (mythology)

Paris (Ancient Greek: Πάρις), also known as Alexander (Ἀλέξανδρος, Aléxandros), is a mythological figure in the story of the Trojan War. He appears in numerous Greek legends and works of Ancient Greek literature such as the Iliad. In myth, he is prince of Troy, son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, and younger brother of Prince Hector. His elopement with Helen sparks the Trojan War, during which he fatally wounds Achilles.

This article is about the mythological character. For other uses, see Paris (disambiguation).


The Ancient Greek name Πάρις is probably of Luwian origin. Which is comparable to Parizitis, attested as a Hittite scribe's name.[1] The name is etymologically unrelated to that of France's capital city, derived from the Gallic Parisii tribe.


Paris was described by the chronicler Malalas in his account of the Chronography as "well-grown, sturdy, white, good nose, good eyes, black pupils, black hair, incipient beard, long-faced, heavy eyebrows, big mouth, charming, eloquent, agile, an accurate archer, cowardly, hedonist".[2] Meanwhile, in the account of Dares the Phrygian, he was illustrated as "fair, tall, and brave. His eyes were very beautiful, his hair soft and blond, his mouth charming, and his voice pleasant. He was swift, and eager to take command."[3]


Paris and the nymph Oenone had a son, Corythus.[4] By Helen, he had Bunomus, Aganus ("gentle"[5]), Idaeus and a daughter also called Helen.[6]



Paris was a child of Priam and Hecuba (see the List of children of Priam). Just before his birth, his mother dreamed that she gave birth to a flaming torch. This dream was interpreted by the seer Aesacus as a foretelling of the downfall of Troy, and he declared that the child would be the ruin of his homeland. On the day of Paris's birth, it was further announced by Aesacus that the child born of a royal Trojan that day would have to be killed to spare the kingdom, being the child that would bring about the prophecy. Though Paris was indeed born before nightfall, he was spared by Priam. Hecuba was also unable to kill the child, despite the urging of the priestess of Apollo, one Herophile. Instead, Paris's father prevailed upon his chief herdsman, Agelaus, to remove the child and kill him. The herdsman, unable to use a weapon against the infant, left him exposed on Mount Ida, hoping he would perish there (cf. Oedipus). He was, however, suckled by a she-bear. Returning after nine days, Agelaus was astonished to find the child still alive and brought him home in a backpack (Greek pḗra, hence by folk etymology Paris’s name) to rear as his own. He returned to Priam bearing a dog's tongue as evidence of the deed's completion.[7]

Paris's noble birth was betrayed by his outstanding beauty and intelligence. While still a child, he routed a gang of cattle-thieves and restored the animals they had stolen to the herd, thereby earning the surname Alexander ("protector of men").[8] It was at this time that Oenone became Paris's first lover. She was a nymph from Mount Ida in Phrygia. Her father was Cebren, a river-god or, according to other sources, she was the daughter of Oeneus. She was skilled in the arts of prophecy and medicine, which she had been taught by Rhea and Apollo, respectively. When Paris later left her for Helen, she told him that if he ever was wounded, he should come to her, for she could heal any injury, even the most serious wounds.

Paris's chief distraction at this time was to pit Agelaus's bulls against one another. One bull began to win these bouts consistently. Paris began to set it against rival herdsmen's own prize bulls and it defeated them all. Finally, Paris offered a golden crown to any bull that could defeat his champion. Ares responded to this challenge by transforming himself into a bull and easily winning the contest. Paris gave the crown to Ares without hesitation. It was this apparent honesty in judgment that prompted the gods of Olympus to have Paris arbitrate the divine contest among Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena.

In 's Inferno, Paris is one of the sinners punished for lust in the second circle.


Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy's 1864 operetta La belle Hélène tells a droll version of the seduction of Helen by Paris, who is the lead male role.

Jacques Offenbach

The 1951 Swedish film is an adapted version of Offenbach's operetta, starring Max Hansen and Eva Dahlbeck.

Sköna Helena

In the 1956 film , Paris, as the main character, is portrayed as a heroic character who at first worships peace and love but is later forced to take up arms against the treacherous Greeks.

Helen of Troy

In prose he appears as the main character in 's 1959 book Spielball der Götter (Game of Gods).

Rudolf Hagelstange

In the 1961 film , Paris is played by Warner Bentivegna.

Trojan Horse

In the 1962 film , Paris is played by Roberto Risso.

The Fury of Achilles

The Judgment of Paris and its aftermath are the subject of 's 1962 opera King Priam.

Michael Tippett

In 1986 the song Crimes of Paris by on his album Blood & Chocolate asks the question, "Who'll pay for the Crimes of Paris, who's gonna pay for the Crimes of Paris?"

Elvis Costello

In 's 1993 novel Galatea in 2-D, a painting of Paris, brought to life, is used against a painting of Achilles brought to life.

Aaron Allston

In the 2003 TV miniseries , the character Paris, played by actor Matthew Marsden, is killed by Agamemnon.

Helen of Troy

The story was also made into a 2003 musical, , written by Jon English and David Mackay. Barry Humphries starred in the original performance as Sinon.


In the 2004 Hollywood film , the character Paris was played by actor Orlando Bloom. He is not killed by Philoctetes in this version, but leaves the falling city of Troy together with Helen and survives. Paris is portrayed as an irresponsible prince who put his romance before his family and country.


The 2006 song "The Third Temptation of Paris" by tells the story of Helen and Paris from the viewpoint of Paris.


In the , Paris featured as a cavalry unit.

Age of Empires: Definitive Edition

In the 2018 TV miniseries , Paris is portrayed by Louis Hunter.[13]

Troy: Fall of a City

In the mobile game , Paris appears as an Archer class Servant accompanied by Apollo.

Fate/Grand Order

In the 2020 video game , Paris featured as an Epic Archer.[14]

Total War Saga: Troy

List of children of Priam

of Wilusa, a 13th-century BC Anatolian king who has been associated with Paris


The Greek Myths, Harmondsworth, London, England, Penguin Books, 1960. ISBN 978-0143106715

Graves, Robert

Graves, Robert, The Greek Myths: The Complete and Definitive Edition. Penguin Books Limited. 2017.  978-0-241-98338-6, 024198338X


The Iliad with an English Translation by A.T. Murray, Ph.D. in two volumes. Cambridge, MA., Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann, Ltd. 1924. Online version at the Perseus Digital xLibrary.


Homer, Homeri Opera in five volumes. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 1920. .

Greek text available at the Perseus Digital Library

Love Romances translated by Sir Stephen Gaselee (1882-1943), S. Loeb Classical Library Volume 69. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press. 1916. Online version at the Topos Text Project.


Parthenius, Erotici Scriptores Graeci, Vol. 1. Rudolf Hercher. in aedibus B. G. Teubneri. Leipzig. 1858. .

Greek text available at the Perseus Digital Library

The Fall of Troy translated by Way. A. S. Loeb Classical Library Volume 19. London: William Heinemann, 1913. Online version at theoi.com

Quintus Smyrnaeus

Quintus Smyrnaeus, The Fall of Troy. Arthur S. Way. London: William Heinemann; New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons. 1913. .

Greek text available at the Perseus Digital Library

at the Lady Lever Art Gallery

The Judgement of Paris by William Etty

, ed. (1911). "Paris (legend)" . Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Chisholm, Hugh