Parliamentary leader
A parliamentary leader is a political title or a descriptive term used in various countries to designate the person leading a parliamentary group or caucus in a legislative body, whether it be a national or sub-national legislature. They are their party's most senior member of parliament (MP) in most parliamentary democracies.
Not to be confused with House leader or Leader of the House (disambiguation).A party leader may be the same person as the parliamentary leader, or the roles may be separated.
In many countries, the position of leader of a political party (that is, the organisational leader) and leader of a parliamentary group are separate positions, and while they are often held by the same person,[1] this is not always or automatically the case. If the party leader is a member of the government, holds a different political office outside the parliamentary body in question, or no political office at all, the position of parliamentary leader is frequently held by a different person.[2]
In English, the leader may be referred to as a "parliamentary chairman", "group leader",[3] "floor leader", "caucus leader" or simply "parliamentary leader", among other names.
Australia and New Zealand[edit]
In Australian and New Zealand politics, the party figure commonly described as "leader" is usually an MP responsible for managing the party's business within parliament. Party constitutions will typically distinguish between the parliamentary leader and the organisational leader (who typically is outside of parliament), with the latter often termed a "federal president" or "party president".[1][4] The two roles are organisationally distinct even if close cooperation is expected.[1]