Peace Action
Peace Action is a peace organization whose focus is on preventing the deployment of nuclear weapons in space, thwarting weapons sales to countries with human rights violations, and promoting a new United States foreign policy based on common security and peaceful resolution to international conflicts.
Peace Action believes that every person has the right to live without the threat of nuclear weapons, that war is not a suitable response to conflict, and that the United States has the resources to both protect and provide for its citizens.[2] Peace Action has over 100,000 members who belong to over 70 autonomous affiliate and chapter organizations.[3]
The name "Peace Action" was adopted in 1993 by SANE / FREEZE, which had been formed in 1987 by the merger of the Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy and the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign (also known as "The Freeze").
In 2003, Peace Action launched the Campaign for a New Foreign Policy, an initiative to build grassroots support and congressional pressure for a U.S. foreign policy based on human rights and democracy, nuclear disarmament and international cooperation.
Peace Action opposes the U.S. occupation of Iraq as well as any potential future action within that state to impose permanent military bases, any attempt to control Iraqi oil through U.S. government or corporate institutions, or any action on the part of the U.S. government to further influence the domestic policy of elected Iraqi officials. They lobby their activist network to demand a complete withdrawal from Iraq as soon as possible.[4]
To prevent future wars, Peace Action lobbies its grassroots network to demand peaceful diplomacy with Iran. In December 2006 Peace Action began a petition to prevent war with Iran; to date there are over 44,000 names.[5]
On the nuclear front, Peace Action took part in a coalition lobby effort with organizations like the Arms Control Association and the Council for a Livable World to zero out funding for the Reliable Replacement Warhead and Complex 2030. Efforts of the coalition helped stir the Senate Arms Services Committee to zero out the Administration’s $15 million RRW request for Navy research and development.
Peace Action participated in organizing People’s Climate March in September 2014. Peace Action believes war and militarism are interconnected with the climate crisis. The organization states that wars and militarism are the biggest obstacles to funding initiatives to address global warming. Both wars and climate crisis require a political solution which can become a reality only if the climate justice movement links to ending wars and militarism and the peace movement connects to justice: climate, economic and racial justice. Peace Action, as a national endorser, jumped into the organizing from the beginning, launching the Peoples Climate March Peace and Justice Hub. The Hub brought together peace and faith groups to organize a No War, No Warming contingent and rally. George Martin, Peace Action Education Fund board member; Cole Harrison, executive director of Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA); Jim Anderson, Peace Action of New York State (PANYS) Chair; and Natia Bueno, PANYS Student Outreach Coordinator, led the way.[6]