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Perseverance of the saints

Perseverance of the saints, also known as preservation of the saints, is a Calvinist doctrine asserting that the elect will persevere in faith and ultimately achieve salvation. This concept was initially developed by Augustine of Hippo in the early 5th century, who formulated the idea of predestination by predeterminism. In the 16th century, John Calvin and other reformers integrated this idea into their theological framework. The doctrine of perseverance of the saints is rooted in this understanding of predestination and continues to be a central tenet of Reformed theology today.

Definition and terminology[edit]


The doctrine of perseverance of the saints asserts that the elect will persevere in faith until the end of their lives and ultimately achieve salvation. Those who are truly born again are the elect who will persevere to the end.[1][2][3]


The alternative term "preservation of the saints" emphasizes God's role in determining the elect's perseverance. Conversely, "perseverance of the saints" highlights the human act of perseverance, which is a consequence of God's preservation.[4][5][6]

Because one practical interpretation of the Calvinist doctrine of "perseverance of the saints" leads to "eternal security",[7] over time, the term became synonymous with the doctrine itself.[8] By the early 20th century, "eternal security" was used as a strict synonym for "perseverance of the saints".[9] However, given the theological significance of the term "eternal security" in common usage, it's important to distinguish them.[10] Indeed, some Calvinist theologians reject the use of "eternal security" for their doctrine of perseverance,[11] as do proponents of non-Calvinist forms of eternal security.[12]


Perseverance of the saints hinders assurance of salvation[edit]

The doctrine of perseverance of the saints can suggest that a believer have some assurance of final salvation. However, this interpretation faces criticism for its perceived inconsistency. In orthodox Calvinism, while the elect will persevere to the end, believers cannot know they are elect until they persevere to the end.[64] This reality, regardless of explanations for definitive apostasy, undermines the practical utility of "perseverance of the saints," hindering assurance of salvation. This critique has been advanced by various non-Calvinist sources, including proponents of free grace theology,[95] and advocates of conditional preservation of the saints, such as Arminians.[96]

Inconsistencies in explaining definitive apostasy[edit]

Within the perseverance of the saints framework, the phenomenon of definitive apostasy is generally explained by Calvinist theologians by the "evanescent grace" concept. This concept implies that the Holy Spirit voluntarily gives temporary faith and related "fruits".[76] Non-Calvinist Christians find this explanation contrary to the revealed character of God and inconsistent with the overall revelation.[97]

The eternal security interpretation introduces a tension in the subject of faith[edit]

The "eternal security" practical interpretation of perseverance of the saints asserts that an individual can believe he is an elect and will thus irresistibly persevere.[91] Arminians often highlight a tension in this view between present faith in Jesus and faith in a past event,[98] namely, election.[83] They argue that such faith in a past event is given equal significance in ensuring final salvation as present faith in Jesus.[99] Arminians contend that genuine faith should be unique and focused solely on Jesus.[100]

The eternal security interpretation can lead to antinominianism[edit]

The "eternal security" practical interpretation of perseverance of the saints asserts that an individual can believe he is an elect and will thus irresistibly persevere.[91] Such an interpretation can lead an individual to abandon a dynamic understanding of sanctification in favor of a static, antinomian perspective.[101]

Exegetical defense[edit]

Warning passages of the book of Hebrews[edit]

Several passages in the book of Hebrews, especially Hebrews 6:4–6 and Heb 10:26–39 seem to contradict the Calvinistic doctrine of the unconditional preservation of the elect.[102][103] The debate over these passages centers around the identity of the persons in question, with the following main interpretations proposed:[104]

Differing Protestant views[edit]

Anabaptist view[edit]

Anabaptist theology traditionally teaches conditional preservation of the saints.[122]

Lutheran view[edit]

Lutherans believe that a true Christian can lose his or her salvation.[123][124]

Arminian view[edit]

Arminians advocate for conditional preservation based on the believer's faith for final salvation.[125]

Free Grace view[edit]

Free grace advocates believe that believers are promised eternal security, but not guaranteed perseverance. Those who do not persevere will face temporal discipline and loss of rewards.[126]

Assurance of salvation

Eternal security

Apostasy in Christianity


Eternal sin

Conditional preservation of the saints

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