Phi Eta Sigma
Phi Eta Sigma (ΦΗΣ) is an American freshman honor society. Founded at the University of Illinois on March 22, 1923, it is the oldest and largest freshman honor society and has chartered 386 chapters throughout the United States and inducted more than 1,250,000 members since its founding.[1]
Phi Eta Sigma
March 22, 1923
University of Illinois
Freshman scholarship
Φρόνις ἐστί δύναμις
(Knowledge is Power)
The Forum
Hints on Studying and Learning
1,250,000+ lifetime
University of Alabama
Phi Eta Sigma
Box 870261
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0328
United States
Any first-year student with a GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, or rank in the top 20% in his or her class, at the end of a full curricular period is eligible for membership, provided that student has taken normal academic coursework.[1] Once inducted, membership is conferred for life, and members are not required to maintain a 3.5 GPA. At certain universities, including Emory University, the minimum GPA is a 3.9 on a 4.0 scale.[2]
Annually, Phi Eta Sigma provides $300,000 total in scholarships to members across the country. There are $1,000 awards and $5,000 scholarships for undergraduate study, as well as $7,000 scholarships for the first year of graduate study. Members of Phi Eta Sigma must apply to receive these awards.[1]
Phi Eta Sigma also awards the Thomas Arkle Clark Graduate Scholar Leader of the Year Endowed Scholarship, named in honor of the founder and first Grand President of Phi Eta Sigma. This scholarship is a $10,000 award presented yearly to the member whom the Scholarship Committee determines to best exemplify the ideals of Phi Eta Sigma.[3] In 2020, the first ever $10,000 James E. Foy - John W. Sagabiel Undergraduate Scholar Leader of the Year Award will be presented to an undergraduate student member of the society whom the Scholarship Committee determines to best exemplify the ideals of Phi Eta Sigma.
Phi Eta Sigma has two publications which it distributes to its members each year. The Forum is a magazine published each year containing updates of Phi Eta Sigma's activity, as well as announcements and biographies of scholarship recipients. Hints on Studying and Learning is a popular pamphlet distributed by Phi Eta Sigma to its members.[4] It addresses effective study habits such as preparation for studying; productive reading, note taking, and memorizing skills; as well as suggestions for the successful preparation of term papers and preparing for exams.
National convention[edit]
Phi Eta Sigma organizes a biennial convention for its members, advisers, and special guests. Attendee expenses, excluding transportation, are paid for by the national office for a chapter adviser and a student delegate from each chapter.[1] The most recent convention was held in 2018 in Washington, D.C.[5]
The executive officers are elected at the biennial conventions. The positions include national officers and executive committee advisers and students. They oversee the business of the society, and the national office staff manages general operations.
The current executive officers for the 2018–2020 term are:[6]