Katana VentraIP

Prior Analytics

The Prior Analytics (Greek: Ἀναλυτικὰ Πρότερα; Latin: Analytica Priora) is a work by Aristotle on reasoning, known as syllogistic, composed around 350 BCE.[1] Being one of the six extant Aristotelian writings on logic and scientific method, it is part of what later Peripatetics called the Organon.

The term analytics comes from the Greek words analytos (ἀναλυτός, 'solvable') and analyo (ἀναλύω, 'to solve', literally 'to loose'). However, in Aristotle's corpus, there are distinguishable differences in the meaning of ἀναλύω and its cognates. There is also the possibility that Aristotle may have borrowed his use of the word "analysis" from his teacher Plato. On the other hand, the meaning that best fits the Analytics is one derived from the study of Geometry and this meaning is very close to what Aristotle calls episteme (επιστήμη), knowing the reasoned facts. Therefore, Analysis is the process of finding the reasoned facts.[2]

In the Analytics then, Prior Analytics is the first theoretical part dealing with the science of deduction and the Posterior Analytics is the second demonstratively practical part. Prior Analytics gives an account of deductions in general narrowed down to three basic syllogisms while Posterior Analytics deals with demonstration.[3]

Law of identity

Reductio ad absurdum

Aristotle. Analytica Priora et Posteriora. Ed. Ross and Minio-Paluello. Oxford University Press, 1981. ISBN 9780198145622.

Aristotle. Categories; On Interpretation; Prior Analytics. Greek text with translation by H. P. Cooke, Hugh Tredennick. Loeb Classical Library 325. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1938. ISBN 9780674993594.

Greek text



The text of the Prior Analytics is available .

from the MIT classics archive

trans. by A. J. Jenkinson

Prior Analytics

public domain audiobook at LibriVox

Prior Analytics

Prior Analytics - Uncompressed Audiobook

entry by Louis Groarke in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Aristotle: Logic

Smith, Robin. . In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

"Aristotle's Logic"

an annotated bibliography on Aristotle's syllogistic

Aristotle's Prior Analytics: the Theory of Categorical Syllogism