Conceptual volumes in two parts on Science, Philosophy and Culture edited by and Ravinder Kumar

D. P. Chattopadhyaya

Volume 1. The Dawn and Development of Indian Civilization.

A project aimed at corroborating the Indian traditions (pertaining to the various branches of sciences) with the extant Archaeological Remains of India (dated members) on completion has now been published in Germany, in September 2010. This work is entirely Archaeology Based that are in situ and hence - verifiable. The Book also reports about the whereabouts of 150 Palm leaf manuscripts (iron stylus engraved) of great antiquity; AND, also takes the non-Hindu readers into the store houses of Hindu shrines (considered as almanacs in stone) - that are out of bounds for the non-Hindus. "Indian Ancient Sciences" ISBN 978-3-8383-9027-7; Lap Lambert; Germany. The volumes (with many book parts) are divided thus:

A sub-project in the larger project is Consciousness Science, Society, Value, and Yoga (CONSSAVY) with five planned volumes (each with several books):

Volume 1. Philosophy and Culture in Historical Perspective edited by and Ravinder Kumar

D. P. Chattopadhyaya

Volume 2. Some Aspects of Indi's Philosophical and Scientific Heritage edited by and Ravinder Kumar

D. P. Chattopadhyaya

Volume 3. Mathematics, Astronomy and Biology in Indian Tradition edited by and Ravinder Kumar

D. P. Chattopadhyaya

Volume 4. Language, Logic and Science in India edited by and Ravinder Kumar

D. P. Chattopadhyaya

Volume 5. Primal Spirituality of the Vedas: Its Renewal and Renaissance by

R. Balasubramanian

Volume 6. Interdisciplinary Studies in Science, Technology, Philosophy and Culture edited by and Ravinder Kumar

D. P. Chattopadhyaya

Volume 7. Ancient Yoga and Modern Science by T.R. Anantharaman

Volume 8. Prolegomena to any Future Historiography of Cultures and Civilizations by

Daya Krishna

Volume 9. On Rational Historiography by V. Shekhawat

Volume 10. Science and Spirituality: A Quantum Integration edited by Amit Goswami and Maggie Goswami

Volume 11. Kautiliya Arthasastra Revisited by S.N. Metal

Volume 12. Ways of Understanding the Human Past by

D. P. Chattopadhyaya

Volume 13. by Subhash Kak

The Architecture of Knowledge

The Monograph series of PHISPC has 20 planned volumes on different aspects of science, philosophy, and the arts. Thirteen of these volumes have already appeared:

History of science and technology in the Indian subcontinent

History of science and technology in India

List of Indian inventions and discoveries

Nalanda University

Timeline of historic inventions

Timeline of Indian innovation

Homepage of PHISPC