Katana VentraIP

Protests against the Iraq War

Beginning in late 2002 and continuing after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, large-scale protests against the Iraq War were held in many cities worldwide, often coordinated to occur simultaneously around the world. After the biggest series of demonstrations, on February 15, 2003, New York Times writer Patrick Tyler claimed that they showed that there were two superpowers on the planet: the United States and worldwide public opinion.[2]

Protests against the Iraq War

September 12, 2002 – March 19, 2011 (main phase)
May 20, 2012 (Chicago, Illinois)
March 18, 2023 (Washington, D.C.)


Demonstrations against the US and allied involvement of the Iraq War.
Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq (in effect on December 2007–11)




100–1,700+ protesters

These demonstrations against the war were mainly organized by anti-war organizations, many of whom had been formed in opposition to the invasion of Afghanistan. In some Arab countries demonstrations were organized by the state. Europe saw the biggest mobilization of protesters, including a rally of three million people in Rome, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest ever anti-war rally.[3]

According to the French academic Dominique Reynié, between January 3 and April 12, 2003, 36 million people across the globe took part in almost 3,000 protests against the Iraq war.[1]

In the United States, even though pro-war demonstrators have been quoted as referring to anti-war protests as a "vocal minority",[4] Gallup Polls updated September 14, 2007, state, "Since the summer of 2005, opponents of the war have tended to outnumber supporters. A majority of Americans believe the war was a mistake."[5]

From the protests before and during the Iraq War, this was one of the biggest global peace protests to occur in the early 21st century, since the 20th century protest of the Vietnam War. Throughout several rallies spanning throughout 2002 until 2011, an unspecified number of people were arrested. Despite the fact that the United States had already withdrawn the troops from Iraq by December 2011, another anti-war protest led by veterans of the Iraq War took place in May 2012 at Chicago during the NATO Summit at the Hyatt Regency, regarding the War in Afghanistan.

Scope and impact in the United States[edit]

A March 2003 Gallup poll conducted during the first few days of the war showed that 5% of the population had protested or made a public opposition against the war compared to 21% who attended a rally or made a public display to support the war.[6] An ABC news poll showed that 2% had attended an anti-war protest and 1% attended a pro-war rally. The protests made 20% more opposed to the war and 7% more supportive.[7] A Fox News poll showed that while 63% had an unfavorable view of the protesters, just 23% had a favorable view.[7] According to Pew Research, 40% said in March 2003 that they had heard "too much" from people opposed to the war against 17% who said "too little".[8]

Some observers have noted that the protests against the Iraq War have been relatively small-scale and infrequent compared to protests against the Vietnam War. One of the most often cited factors for this is the lack of conscription.[9][10]

Post-war protests[edit]

May 20, 2012[edit]

Veterans for Peace, Occupy Chicago and a slew of coalition partners convened the No-NATO protests in Chicago. About 8,000 marchers took Michigan Avenue the full length to Cermak, within several blocks of the NATO Summit at the Hyatt Regency.

At the intersection of Cermak and Michigan, Iraq Veterans Against the War convened a rally. For the second time in United States history, soldiers and marines relinquished their military medals.[118] The first time this occurred was in 1971.[119]

March 18, 2023[edit]

In Washington, D.C., peace rallies from around 200 organizations are held to mark the twentieth anniversary of the start of the Iraq War. Protesters called for an end to US involvement in the Russian invasion of Ukraine as well as US militarism in general. Protesters also call for the disbandment of NATO.[120]


Anarchist author and activist Peter Gelderloos has criticized the protests against the Iraq War for their complete ineffectiveness at stopping the war.[121]

Americans on the political right were highly critical of the protesters, accusing them of giving aid and comfort to the enemy, if not outright treason.[122]

Iraq War resisters in Canada

International reactions to the prelude to the Iraq War

International public opinion on the war in Afghanistan

List of anti-war organizations

List of Iraq War resisters

List of rallies and protest marches in Washington, D.C.

Opposition to the Iraq War

Public opinion in the United States on the invasion of Iraq

Post–September 11 anti-war movement

Protests against the 2011 military intervention in Libya

Protests against the war in Afghanistan

United Nations Security Council and the Iraq war

Views on the 2003 invasion of Iraq

Withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq (2007–2011)

, a 2006 documentary film about veterans of the Iraq War.

The Ground Truth

, a 2014 documentary film by Amir Amirani.

We Are Many

Protests against the Russian invasion of Ukraine

2023 Israel–Hamas war protests

Stop the War: the story of Britain's biggest mass movement, Andrew Murray and , ISBN 1-905192-00-2

Lindsey German

CNN article. February 2003.

Cities jammed in worldwide protest of war in Iraq

MSNBC article. March 2006.

Thousands protest Iraq war on 3rd anniversary