
If for a function f evaluating any instance x can be reduced in polynomial time to the evaluation of f on one or more random instances yi, then it is self-reducible (this is also known as a non-adaptive uniform self-reduction). In a random self-reduction, an arbitrary worst-case instance x in the domain of f is mapped to a random set of instances y1, ..., yk. This is done so that f(x) can be computed in polynomial time, given the coin-toss sequence from the mapping, x, and f(y1), ..., f(yk). Therefore, taking the average with respect to the induced distribution on yi, the average-case complexity of f is the same (within polynomial factors) as the worst-case randomized complexity of f.

One special case of note is when each random instance yi is distributed uniformly over the entire set of elements in the domain of f that have a length of |x|. In this case f is as hard on average as it is in the worst case. This approach contains two key restrictions. First the generation of y1, ..., yk is performed non-adaptively. This means that y2 is picked before f(y1) is known. Second, it is not necessary that the points y1, ..., yk be uniformly distributed.

Application in cryptographic protocols[edit]

Problems that require some privacy in the data (typically cryptographic problems) can use randomization to ensure that privacy. In fact, the only provably secure cryptographic system (the one-time pad) has its security relying totally on the randomness of the key data supplied to the system.

The field of cryptography utilizes the fact that certain number-theoretic functions are randomly self-reducible. This includes probabilistic encryption and cryptographically strong pseudorandom number generation. Also, instance-hiding schemes (where a weak private device uses a strong public device without revealing its data) are easily exemplified by random self-reductions.

If an problem is non-adaptively random self-reducible the polynomial hierarchy collapses to Σ3.


If a problem is random self-reducible in O(log n/n) then Σ2 = Π2.


M. Abadi, J. Feigenbaum, and J. Kilian, On Hiding Information from an Oracle, J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 1989

S. Arora, Around the PCP Theorem, 1996

J. Feigenbaum, L. Fortnow, On the Random-self-reducibility of Complete Sets, 1991