Katana VentraIP


In military operations, military reconnaissance or scouting is the exploration of an area by military forces to obtain information about enemy forces, the terrain, and civil activities in the area of operations. In military jargon, reconnaissance is abbreviated to recce (British, Canadian, Australian English) and to recon (American English), both derived from the root word reconnoitre.[1]

This article is about military reconnaissance. For other uses of reconnaissance, see Reconnaissance (disambiguation). For monitoring activity, see surveillance.

The types of reconnaissance include patrolling the local area of operations and long-range reconnaissance patrols, which are tasks usually realized in the United States of America by U.S. Army Rangers, cavalry scouts, and military intelligence specialists, using navy ships and submarines, reconnaissance aircraft, satellites to collect raw intelligence; and establishing observation posts. Moreover, espionage is different from reconnaissance, because spies work as civilians in enemy territory.

Terrain-oriented reconnaissance is a survey of the terrain (its features, weather, and other natural observations).

Force-oriented reconnaissance focuses on the enemy forces (number, equipment, activities, disposition etc.) and may include .

target acquisition

Civil-oriented reconnaissance focuses on the civil dimension of the (areas, structures, capabilities, organizations, people and events abbreviated ASCOPE).


An Oste class ELINT and reconnaissance ship of the German Navy

An Oste class ELINT and reconnaissance ship of the German Navy

A Soviet convoy deploying intermediate-range ballistic missiles in Cuba, 1962, as first revealed by a Lockheed U-2.

A Soviet convoy deploying intermediate-range ballistic missiles in Cuba, 1962, as first revealed by a Lockheed U-2.

German Army Fennek reconnaissance vehicle

German Army Fennek reconnaissance vehicle



Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance

List of reconnaissance units

– airborne pathfinders

Pathfinder (military)

Spatial reconnaissance

(recon team)

Special reconnaissance

Surveillance aircraft

U.S. military doctrine for reconnaissance

Halsall, Christine, Women of Intelligence: Winning the Second World War with Air Photos, The History Press, 2012.  978-0-7524-6477-0.