Religion in Mali
Religion in Mali is predominantly Islam with an estimated 95 percent of the population being Muslim,[2] with the remaining 5 percent of Malians adhering to traditional African religions such as the Dogon religion, or Christianity.[3] Atheism and agnosticism are believed to be rare among Malians, most of whom practice their religion daily, although some are Deist.[4]
The constitution establishes a secular state and provides for freedom of religion, and the government largely respects this right.[4] Relations between Muslims and practitioners of minority religious faiths are generally friendly, and foreign missionary groups (both Muslim and non-Muslim) are tolerated.[4] Parties based on ethnic or religious lines are banned and public schools do not offer religious instruction.[8]
Freedom of religion[edit]
Prior to the Northern Mali conflict, human rights groups recorded "no recent reports of persecution, discrimination, or imprisonment on the basis of religious convictions or affiliation."[8] However, terrorist groups attempted to institute strict Islamic law in the northern parts of the country in 2012 and Mali was listed high (#7) in the Christian persecution index published by Open Doors, which described the persecution in the north as severe.[14][15] In spite of this, a 2015 study estimated some 8,000 believers in Christ from a Muslim background in the country.[16] Several Islamic sites in Mali were destroyed or damaged by vigilante activists linked to Al Qaeda, claiming that "idol worship" characterized the sites.[17] Given the cultural and religious importance of the sites in the city of Timbuctu (Tomboctou), eight of the shrines on the UNESCO heritage list had been fully reconstructed, and another six were in the process of reconstruction, by July 2015.[18] However, the occupation and Sharia law were both short-lived, cut short by a French and Chadian military intervention that began in January 2013.
In 2023, Mali was scored 2 out of 4 for religious freedom;[19] this was mainly due to armed groups active in the north of the country.
In the same year, the country was ranked as the 17th worst place in the world to be a Christian.[20]