Katana VentraIP

Richard Davenport-Hines

Richard Peter Treadwell Davenport-Hines[1][2][3] (born 21 June 1953 in London)[4] is a British historian and literary biographer, and a Quondam Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford.[5]


He has contributed to several volumes of historical or literary essays. These include an essay on English and French armaments dealers operating in eastern Europe in the 1920s in Maurice Lévy-Leboyer, Helga Nussbaum and Alice Teichova (editors), Historical Studies in International Corporate Business (1989); an essay on HIV in Roy Porter and Mikulas Teich (editors), Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Science (1994); a historical critique of drugs prohibition laws in Selina Chen and Edward Skidelsky, High Time for Reform (2001); a chapter in the Cambridge Companion to W.H. Auden (2005); and a memoir in Peter Stanford (editor), The Death of a Child (2011).

: The Life and Times of a Trade Warrior (Cambridge University Press, 1984)[14]

Dudley Docker

Markets and Bagmen, Studies in the History of Marketing and British Industrial Performance, 1830–1939 (Ashgate, 1986) editor

Speculators and Patriots: Essays in Business Biography (Cass, 1986)

Business in the Age of Reason (Cass, 1987) editor with Jonathan Liebenau

Enterprise Management and Innovation (Cass, 1988) editor with

Geoffrey Jones

British Business in Asia Since 1860 (Cambridge University Press, 1989) editor with Geoffrey Jones

The End of Insularity – Essays in Comparative Business History (Cass, 1989) editor with Geoffrey Jones

Business in the Age of Depression & War (Cass, 1990) editor

Capital Entrepreneurs and Profits (Cass, 1990) editor

Sex, Death and Punishment: Attitudes To Sex & Sexuality In Britain Since The Renaissance (Collins, 1990)

: A History to 1962 (Cambridge University Press, 1992) with Judy Slinn


The (Heinemann, 1992)


Vice: An Anthology (Hamish Hamilton, 1993)

(Heinemann, 1995)


Gothic: Four Hundred Years of Excess, Horror, Evil and Ruin (Fourth Estate, 1998)

The Pursuit of Oblivion: A Global History of Narcotics 1500–2000 (Weidenfeld, 2001)


A Night at the Majestic: and the Great Modernist Dinner Party of 1922 (Faber, 2006)[16] (in USA, Proust at the Majestic)


Ettie: The Intimate Life and Dauntless Spirit of (Weidenfeld, 2008)[17]

Lady Desborough

: Migrants and Millionaires, Conmen and Crew (HarperCollins, 2012)[18]

Titanic Lives

: Sex, Class and Power in the Age of Profumo (HarperCollins, 2013)[19]

An English Affair

Universal Man: The Seven Lives of (Collins, 2015)

John Maynard Keynes

: The Cosmopolitan King (Penguin, 2016)

Edward VII

Enemies Within: Communists, the and the Making of Modern Britain (HarperCollins, 2018)[20]

Cambridge Spies

, Letters from Oxford: to Bernard Berenson (Weidenfeld, 2006)[21] editor

Hugh Trevor-Roper

Hugh Trevor-Roper, Wartime Journals (I. B. Tauris, 2012). editor


One Hundred Letters from Hugh Trevor-Roper (Oxford University Press, 2014). editor with Adam Sisman


: Abnormal Romantic (Roxburghe Club, 2018).[24]

John Meade Falkner

Hugh Trevor-Roper, China Journals: Ideology and Intrigue in the 1960s (Bloomsbury, 2020). editor


Conservative Thinkers from All Souls College, Oxford (The Boydell Press, 2022)
