Rock, Rock, Rock!
Rock, Rock, Rock! is a 1956 musical drama film conceived, co-written and co-produced by Milton Subotsky and directed by Will Price. The film is an early jukebox musical featuring performances by established rock and roll singers of the era, including Chuck Berry, LaVern Baker, Teddy Randazzo, the Moonglows, the Flamingos, and the Teenagers with Frankie Lymon as lead singer. Later West Side Story cast member David Winters is also featured. Famed disc jockey Alan Freed made an appearance as himself.
Rock, Rock, Rock!
Phyllis Coe
Milton Subotsky
Max Rosenberg
Milton Subotsky
Tuesday Weld
Chuck Berry
Fran Manfred
Alan Freed
Teddy Randazzo
Milton Subotsky
Frank Virtue
Ray Ellis
- December 7, 1956
85 minutes
United States
$75,000 plus $25,000 in deferments[1]
Valerie Harper made her debut in a brief appearance as an extra seated at the center table during the performance of "Ever Since I Can Remember" by Cirino and the Bowties and can be seen after the performance of Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers. This was also Frankie Lymon & the Teenagers' film debut.
Almost every member of the cast was signed to a record label at the time, which was credited along with each star. In 1984, the film entered the public domain in the United States because the claimants did not renew its copyright registration in the 28th year after publication. The film's numerous musical numbers may have been copyrighted separately, however.[2]
Teenage girl Dori Graham can't persuade her dad to buy her a strapless gown and has to get the money together herself in time for the prom.
The soundtrack album, also titled Rock, Rock, Rock!, was released in December 1956 by Chess Records, labeled LP 1425.[4] The soundtrack compilation featured four songs each from only three artists, Chuck Berry, The Moonglows, and The Flamingos. Only four songs on the album ("Over and Over Again", "I Knew From the Stars", "You Can't Catch Me", and "Would I Be Crying") actually appear in the film. Rock, Rock, Rock! is regarded as the first rock and roll movie to have had a soundtrack album issued.[5]
The Connie Francis songs "I Never Had a Sweetheart" and "Little Blue Wren" appeared in the film and were also released by MGM Records in 1956 as a Connie Francis single. "Baby, Baby" and "I'm Not a Juvenile Delinquent" by The Teenagers also appeared in the film and were subsequently released as a single by Gee Records.