Katana VentraIP

Runaway (dependent)

A runaway is a minor or (depending upon the local jurisdiction) a person under a specified age who has left their parents or legal guardians without permission.

Not to be confused with child abandonment.


Current studies suggest that the primary cause of youth homelessness is family dysfunction in the form of parental neglect, physical or sexual abuse, family substance use disorder, and family violence.[1][2] Nearly half of runaway youths report that at least one of their parents struggles with alcohol addiction, and at least one third reported a parent struggling with drug addiction.[3]

Studies also show that 89% of child runaways were encouraged to do so by their peers.[4]

Consequences of running away[edit]

Runaways have an elevated risk of destructive behavior. Approximately fifty percent of runaways experience difficulties with schooling; including dropping out, expulsion, or suspension.[5] Running away can increase the risk of delinquency for adolescents, and expose them to the risk of victimization.[6] There have been many studies in multiple countries about "street children"—youth who have run away and are presently homeless—showing that they have a high risk of taking illicit drugs, developing sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unintended pregnancy, depression, suicide attempts, and sexual exploitation.[7] Greater proportions of runaway youths experience clinically significant post-traumatic stress disorder than normative youths. Trauma generally begins with runaway youth's experiences within the family and is increased by prolonged traumatic events.[3] The likelihood of depression among female runaways is typically related to family conflict and communication. Depression in male runaways is typically related to paternal alcohol use disorder and poor family relationships. Negative interactions in relationships within the family appear to greatly influence depressive symptoms for both genders.[8]

– (1942), Iraqi-Canadian poet. When he was ten years old, he ran away from school without the knowledge of his family to the village of his maternal uncles. He traveled there with a caravan of camels, walking with them all night long. He stated years later at the age of 74 that he had defined his childhood self-concept based on freedom. [22]

Isa Hasan al-Yasiri

International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children

Refugee children

Street children

Dawn: Portrait of a Teenage Runaway

– children whose parents remove them from the home or refuse to allow them to live at home

Child abandonment

– declaring that a child is no longer part of the family


Brennan, Tim, David Huizinga, and Delbert S. Elliott. The social psychology of runaways. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1978.  0-669-00565-7.


Fernandes-Alcantara, Adrienne L. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 26 April 2018.

Runaway and Homeless Youth: Demographics and Programs.

Janus, Mark-David. Adolescent runaways: causes and consequences. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1987.  0-669-13047-8.


. Raised by wolves. Zurich and New York: Scalo, 1995. ISBN 1-881616-50-9.

Goldberg, Jim

Whitbeck, Les B., and Dan R. Hoyt. Nowhere to grow: homeless and runaway adolescents and their families. New York: Aldine de Grutyer, 1999.  0-202-30583-X.


Gwartney, Debra. Live through this: a mother's memoir of runaway daughters and reclaimed love. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009.  978-0-547-05447-6.


Raval, Vaishali V.; Raval, Pratiksha H.; Raj, Stacey P. (November 2010). "Damned if They Flee, Doomed if They Don't: Narratives of Runaway Adolescent Females from Rural India". Journal of Family Violence. 25 (8): 755–764. :10.1007/s10896-010-9333-5. S2CID 37198750.


for young people in the United States and U.S. Territories

National Runaway Switchboard

for young people in the United Kingdom

The Runaway Helpline

Family and Youth Services Bureau

National Clearinghouse on Families & Youth