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Safety pin

A safety pin is a variation of the regular pin which includes a simple spring mechanism and a clasp. The clasp forms a closed loop to properly fasten the pin to whatever it is applied to and covers the end of the pin to protect the user from the sharp point.

Safety pins are commonly used to fasten pieces of fabric or clothing together. Safety pins, or more usually a special version with an extra safe cover, called a nappy pin or loincloth pin, are widely used to fasten cloth diapers (nappies), or modern loincloths. They're preferred as their safety clasp, while remaining an ingestion hazard,[1] prevents the baby from being jabbed or pricked. Safety pins can be used generally to patch torn or damaged clothing. They can also be used as an accessory in all kinds of jewelry including: earrings, chains, and wristbands. Sometimes they're used to attach an embroidered patch. Safety pins are divided into numbered size categories. Size 3 pins are often being used in quilting and may be labelled for purchase as a "quilting pin." Sizes 4 and larger may be called "blanket pins" and deemed acceptable as kilt pins for informal dress, depending upon design and appearance.

Early precursor[edit]

The fibula, a form of brooch, was invented by the Mycenaeans in the Greek region of Peloponnesus between the 14th and 13th Century BC, and is considered an early precursor to a safety pin since it was used in a similar manner. Fibulae were used by Greek women and men to help secure tunics.[2]



Locking safety pin[edit]

The sharpened pin, that is attached to a coiled wire is connected with a cap that is hooked at the end of the wire. Pushing the pin into the opening of the cap secures the safety of the pin, and the clasp is then closed.[9]

Medical aspects[edit]

The laryngologist Dr. Chevalier Jackson devised special instruments for removing swallowed safety pins. Because small children often swallowed them and open pins could be lodged dangerously in their throats, Jackson called them "danger pins" and sometimes displayed arrangements of those he had extracted.[10] Safety pin ingestion is still a common problem in some countries today.[11]


Safety pins hold a value in certain cultures and traditions. In India pins are kept over generations and passed down to daughters. Ukrainians use pins as a way to ward off evil spirits when attached to children's clothing. In other countries a safety pin is a form of good luck.[18]

Drawing pin

Infant clothing

Fibulae and ancient brooches

(1994 Academy Award Red Carpet dress held together by safety pins)

Black Versace dress of Elizabeth Hurley

Paper clip

Tie pin