Katana VentraIP

Self-knowledge (psychology)

Self-knowledge is a term used in psychology to describe the information that an individual draws upon when finding answers to the questions "What am I like?" and "Who am I?".

While seeking to develop the answer to this question, self-knowledge requires ongoing self-awareness and self-consciousness (which is not to be confused with consciousness). Young infants and chimpanzees display some of the traits of self-awareness[1] and agency/contingency,[2] yet they are not considered as also having self-consciousness. At some greater level of cognition, however, a self-conscious component emerges in addition to an increased self-awareness component, and then it becomes possible to ask "What am I like?", and to answer with self-knowledge, though self-knowledge has limits, as introspection has been said to be limited and complex.

Self-knowledge is a component of the self or, more accurately, the self-concept. It is the knowledge of oneself and one's properties and the desire to seek such knowledge that guide the development of the self-concept, even if that concept is flawed. Self-knowledge informs us of our mental representations of ourselves, which contain attributes that we uniquely pair with ourselves, and theories on whether these attributes are stable or dynamic, to the best that we can evaluate ourselves.

The self-concept is thought to have three primary aspects:

The affective and executive selves are also known as the felt and active selves respectively, as they refer to the emotional and behavioral components of the self-concept. Self-knowledge is linked to the cognitive self in that its motives guide our search to gain greater clarity and assurance that our own self-concept is an accurate representation of our true self; for this reason the cognitive self is also referred to as the known self. The cognitive self is made up of everything we know (or think we know) about ourselves. This implies physiological properties such as hair color, race, and height etc.; and psychological properties like beliefs, values, and dislikes to name but a few. Self knowledge just simply means introspecting your behaviour and actions from a third persons view to the various situations faced in life and then trying to identify the causes of these issues in life.

Studies have shown there is a memory advantage for information encoded with reference to the self.


Somatic markers, that is memories connected to an emotional charge, can be helpful or dysfunctional - there is a correlation but not causation, and therefore cannot be relied on.


Patients with who have difficulty recognizing their own family have not shown evidence of self-knowledge.[12]





The physical world

The social world

The psychological world

The phenomenal self


Spontaneous self-concept




Aspects of the working self-concept


Deficiency in knowledge of the present self.

Giving reasons but not feelings disrupts self-insight.

Brown, J. D. (1998). The self. New York: McGraw Hill.  0-07-008306-1


Sedikides, C., & Brewer, M. B. (2001). Individual self, relational self, collective self. Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press.  1-84169-043-0


Suls, J. (1982). Psychological perspectives on the self (Vol. 1). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.  0-89859-197-X


Sedikides, C., & Spencer, S. J. (Eds.) (2007). The self. New York: Psychology Press.  1-84169-439-8


Thinking and Action: A Cognitive Perspective on Self-Regulation during Endurance Performance

at PhilPapers

Self-knowledge (psychology)

William Swann's Homepage including many of his works

International Society for Self and Identity

Journal of Self and Identity

is a course offered by Coursera, and is created by a partnership between The University of Edinburgh and Humility & Conviction and Public Life Project, a research project based at the University of Connecticut.

Know Thyself - The Value and Limits of Self-Knowledge: The Examined Life