Spanish nobility
The Spanish nobility are people who possess a title of nobility confirmed by the Spanish Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, as well as those individuals appointed to one of Spain's three highest orders of knighthood, the Order of the Golden Fleece, Order of Charles III and Order of Isabella the Catholic. Some member of the Spanish nobility possess various titles that may be inherited or not, but the creation and recognition of titles is legally the prerogative of the monarchy of Spain.
Many Spanish titles and noble families still exist which have transmitted their aristocratic status since the Middle Ages. Some aristocratic families in Spain use the nobiliary particle de before their family name, although this was more prominent before the 20th century. During the rule of Francisco Franco in Spain, some new hereditary titles were conferred on individuals, and titles granted by Carlist pretenders were officially recognised.
Despite Juan Carlos I's ascension to the Spanish throne in 1975, the royal court of nobles holding positions and offices attached to the Royal Household of Spain was not restored. Noble titleholders are subjected to taxation, whereas until 1923[1] they were exempt from doing so. King Juan Carlos resumed the conferral of titles to recognize those whose public service, artistic endeavours, personal achievements, philanthropy, etc. is deemed to have benefitted the Spanish nation.
Spanish nobles are classified as either grandees, as titled nobles, or as untitled nobles.
In the past, grandees were divided into first, second, and third classes, but this division has ceased to be relevant in practice while remaining a titular distinction; legally all grandees enjoy the same privileges in modern times. At one time however, each class held special privileges such as:
Additionally, all grandees were addressed by the king as mi Primo (my Cousin), whereas ordinary nobles were only qualified as mi Pariente (my Kinsman).
An individual may hold a grandeeship, whether in possession of a title of nobility or not. Normally, however, each grandeeship is attached to a title. A grandeeship is always attached to the grant of a ducal title. The grant of a grandeeship with any other rank of nobility has always been at the will of the sovereign. Excepting dukes and some very ancient titles of marquesses and counts, most Spanish titles of nobility are not attached to grandeeships.
A grandee of any rank outranks a non-grandee, even if that non-grandee's title is of a higher degree, with the exception of official members of the Spanish royal family who may in fact hold no title at all. Thus, a baron-grandee enjoys higher precedence than a marquess who is not a grandee.
Since 1987, the children of Spanish infantes, traditionally considered part of the royal family, have been entitled to the rank and style of a grandee but do not hold the legal dignity of grandee unless a grandeza is officially conferred by the sovereign; once the dignity has been officially bestowed, it becomes hereditary.
Some notable titles, which are attached to grandeeships, are: Duke of Alba, Duke of Medinaceli, Duke of Osuna, Duke of Infantado, Duke of Albuquerque, Duke of Nájera, Duke of Frías and Duke of Medina Sidonia, Marquess of Aguilar de Campoo, Marquess of Astorga, Marquess of Santillana, Marquess of Los Vélez, Count of Benavente, Count of Guaqui, Count of Lerín, Count of Olivares, Count of Oñate, and Count of Lemos.
Form of address[edit]
Dukes, Grandees, their spouses and heirs are entitled to the honorific style of The Most Excellent Lord/Lady.
Non-Grandee titled nobles, their spouses and offspring use the style of The Most Illustrious Lord/Lady.
Alternative nobility[edit]
The pretender Carlist branch of the Bourbons created its own titles for its supporters, unrecognized by the ruling Christinos branch. When General Francisco Franco became head of state with the support of, among others, Carlist troops, Carlist titles became officially recognized.
From the beginning of his reign in November 1975, King Juan Carlos created new titles for about 51 people (as of April 2011),[14] among others recognizing the merits of politicians and artists. Some of these dignities have been hereditary. Examples include:
King Juan Carlos also exceptionally confirmed the title of Count of Barcelona, a title historically attached to the Crown, but used as a title of pretence by his father, Infante Juan, during the dynasty's 20th century exile and the subsequent reign of his son.
Titles created during the reign of King Felipe VI[edit]
King Felipe VI has not yet created any new titles of nobility. He has, however, revived the dukedom of Fernandina,[15] the marquisate of Murillo, and the county of Torre Alegre; and has reverted the dukedom of Palma Mallorca to the crown, formerly belonging to his elder sister, Infanta Cristina of Spain, over a corruption enquiry.[16]