Katana VentraIP

International student

International students, or foreign students, are students who undertake all or part of their tertiary education in a country other than their own.

In 2021, there were over 6.39 million international students, up from 5.12 million in 2016. The most popular destinations were the United States (with 833,204 international students), the United Kingdom (600,589 students), and Australia (378,439 students) which together receive 28,37% of international students.[1]

Economic impact[edit]

Research from the National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA) shows the economic benefits of the increasing international higher-education enrollment in the United States. According to their 2021–2022 academic year analysis, nearly one million international students contributed $33.8 billion to the US economy and 335,000 jobs. This represents almost a 19% increase in dollars compared to the previous year. International students contribute more than job and monetary gains to the economy. “The increase in economic activity is certainly positive news but it should be kept in perspective: it shows we’ve only regained about half the ground lost in the previous academic year,” said Dr. Esther D. Brimmer, NAFSA executive director and CEO. “We must not be complacent that this upward trend will automatically continue. [63] According to NAFSA's research, their diverse views contribute to technological innovation has increased America's ability to compete in the global economy.

On the other hand, international students have faced suspicions of involvement in economic and industrial espionage.[64]

Apprentices mobility


Erasmus programme

F-1 Visa

Fulbright Program

Goodwill Scholarships

International Baccalaureate

International communication

International education

International Student Identity Card

International student ministry

International Students Day

International students in South Korea

Japanese students in Britain

Monbukagakusho Scholarship

Pakistani students abroad

Student exchange program

Student migration

Study abroad

Indian students abroad

Vulcanus in Japan

Altbach, Philip. "Foreign study: Patterns and challenges." International Higher Education 30 (2015).


Ammigan, Ravichandran and Jones, Elspeth. "Improving the Student Experience: Learning From a Comparative Study of International Student Satisfaction." Journal of Studies in International Education. 2018;22(4):283-301.


Jiani, M. A. "Why and how international students choose Mainland China as a higher education study abroad destination." Higher Education 74.4 (2017): 563–579.

Liu, Jingzhou. "Internationalization of Higher Education: Experiences of Intercultural Adaptation of International Students in Canada." Antistasis 6.2 (2017).


Mihut, Georgiana, ed. Understanding Higher Education Internationalization (2017) 436pp; reprints selected articles published 2011 to 2016.

Orleans, Leo A., , National Academies Press, US National Academies, Office of International Affairs (OIA), 1988.

Chinese Students in America: Policies, Issues, and Numbers

Waters, Maurice. "International relations and American institutions of higher learning: a review, "Journal of Conflict Resolution 8.2 (1964): 178–185.

Wen, Wen, Die Hu, and Jie Hao. "International students' experiences in China: Does the planned reverse mobility work?." International Journal of Educational Development 61 (2018): 204–212.


Yan, Kun. Chinese international students' stressors and coping strategies in the United States (Springer Singapore, 2017).


Global Flow of Tertiary-Level Students

University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP)