Katana VentraIP

Surgery theory

In mathematics, specifically in geometric topology, surgery theory is a collection of techniques used to produce one finite-dimensional manifold from another in a 'controlled' way, introduced by John Milnor (1961). Milnor called this technique surgery, while Andrew Wallace called it spherical modification.[1] The "surgery" on a differentiable manifold M of dimension , could be described as removing an imbedded sphere of dimension p from M.[2] Originally developed for differentiable (or, smooth) manifolds, surgery techniques also apply to piecewise linear (PL-) and topological manifolds.

Surgery refers to cutting out parts of the manifold and replacing it with a part of another manifold, matching up along the cut or boundary. This is closely related to, but not identical with, handlebody decompositions.

More technically, the idea is to start with a well-understood manifold M and perform surgery on it to produce a manifold M′ having some desired property, in such a way that the effects on the homology, homotopy groups, or other invariants of the manifold are known. A relatively easy argument using Morse theory shows that a manifold can be obtained from another one by a sequence of spherical modifications if and only if those two belong to the same cobordism class.[1]

The classification of exotic spheres by Michel Kervaire and Milnor (1963) led to the emergence of surgery theory as a major tool in high-dimensional topology.

Is X a manifold?

Is f a diffeomorphism?

s-cobordism theorem

h-cobordism theorem

Whitehead torsion

Dehn surgery

Manifold decomposition

Orientation character

Plumbing (mathematics)

Surgery Theory for Amateurs

Edinburgh Surgery Theory Study Group

on the Manifold Atlas Project

2012 Oberwolfach Seminar on Surgery theory

on the Manifold Atlas Project

2012 Regensburg Blockseminar on Surgery theory

Lecture notes

Jacob Lurie's 2011 Harvard surgery course

Andrew Ranicki's homepage

Shmuel Weinberger's homepage