Tata Neu was launched on 7 April 2022, during which the servers were overloaded.[8] Sales numbers missed the US$200 million targets set by Tata Digital. Reports stated that Tata Digital received as much as US$2 billion in funding from Tata Group for the Tata Neu app and additional investments. By May ending the app had nearly 11 million downloads, however the app was bugged with constant glitches and slow response time leading to a reduction in customer usage.[9][10][11]
As the reports of high number of bugs and sluggish user experienced continued, reports emerged that Tata Neu CTO had resigned within 4 months and the app faced backlash over data sharing of customer info between companies.[12] In January 2023, Mukesh Bansal the President of Tata Digital and head of operations for Tata Neu stepped down from Tata Neu with Pratik Pal, the CEO of Tata Digital, looking after all the business decisions at the firm.[13][14] Soon, additional reports emerged that Tata Neu is set to miss the first year GMV by as much as 50%. Internal projections showed the company projecting GMV by March 2023 at US$4 billion vs expected US$8 billion (which was scaled down from US$10 billion).[15][16]
The Tata Neu app, which was revamped in time for the 2023 Indian Premier League (IPL) season, saw a significant increase in downloads and membership following the tournament.The Tata Group's sponsorship of the IPL and the heavy promotion of the Neu app during the matches likely played a role in this growth. Post the revamp, Neu’s rating on the Google Play store has improved from 3.8 to 4.2.[17]