The Amityville Harvest
The Amityville Harvest is a 2020 supernatural horror film written and directed by Thomas J. Churchill. The film stars Kyle Lowder, Sadie Katz, Brandon Alan Smith and Alexa Pellerin. It is the final film in the Amityville Horror film series in which Ronald DeFeo Jr. served as the real-life mass murderer before his death on March 12, 2021.
The Amityville Harvest
Thomas J. Churchill
Thomas J. Churchill
- Thomas J. Churchill
- Steven Louis Goldenberg
- Phillip B. Goldfine
- Kyle Lowder
- Sadie Katz
- Brandon Alan Smith
- Alexa Pellerin
- Johanna Rae
- Michael Cervantes
- Eva Ceja
David M. Parks
- Rudolf Buitendach
- Daniel Murray
Erick Schroder
- October 20, 2020
93 minutes
United States
A documentary crew follows a strange figure with powers.
Screen Rant said the twist didn't work because the movie focused on the what instead of why.[2] Common Sense Media calls it a "a bad movie, but it could be a good-bad movie with [...] low expectations."[3] Nightmarish Conjurings said the editing was chaotic and the special effects were poor.[4] Horror Society scored it 1 out of 5.[5] In a more favorable review, Cryptic Rock rated it 3 out of 5.[6]