The Bill Cosby Show
The Bill Cosby Show is an American sitcom television series that aired for two seasons on NBC's Sunday night schedule from 1969 until 1971 under the sponsorship of Procter & Gamble. There were 52 episodes made in the series. It marked Bill Cosby's first solo foray in television after his co-starring role with Robert Culp in I Spy.
Not to be confused with The Cosby Show or Cosby (TV series).The Bill Cosby Show
Ed Weinberger
Bill Cosby
Michael Zagor
Bill Cosby
Quincy Jones
Bill Cosby
"Hikky Burr"
Quincy Jones
United States
Marvin Miller
Ed Weinberger
22–24 minutes
Jemmin, Inc.
September 14, 1969
March 21, 1971
The series also marked the first time an African American starred in their own eponymous comedy series.
In September 1984, Cosby returned to NBC, with a similarly named sitcom titled The Cosby Show. The popularity of that sitcom led to reruns of this one being picked up on the CBN Cable Network.
In 2013, reruns of this series began being broadcast on the ASPIRE Television Network and Soul of the South Network. In July 2015, both networks ceased airing the series following allegations of sexual assaults made against Cosby.
Home media[edit]
Shout! Factory has released both seasons of The Bill Cosby Show on DVD in Region 1.[7][8]
Mill Creek Entertainment released a ten episode best of set entitled The Bill Cosby Show – The Best of Season 1 on March 22, 2011.[9]