The Heart of Christmas
The Heart of Christmas is a 2011 American Christian drama film directed by Gary Wheeler. It stars Candace Cameron Bure, Erin Bethea, Jeanne Neilson, Eric Jay Beck, George Newbern, and Matthew West. Based on a true story, the film involves a woman's encounter with a family caring for a child with acute leukemia and how it transforms her faith and her attitude about her own family.
For the album by Matthew West, see The Heart of Christmas (album).The Heart of Christmas
Lance W. Dreesen
Candace Cameron Bure
Erin Bethea
Jeanne Neilson
Eric Jay Beck
George Newbern
Matthew West
Matthew West
United States
Suzette Schafer
Charlie Schafer
Mark Burman
Rob Givens
Jonathan Olive
107 minutes
SlingShot Picture
My Three Sons Film
December 4, 2011
Megan Walsh is a successful businesswoman who does not seem to have enough time for her husband and two children. While taking her children trick-or-treating during Halloween, she encounters a confusing situation in which many families are decorating for Christmas (which is nearly two months away). Their explanation is that they are trying to provide one last Christmas for Dax Locke, a toddler in their neighborhood who is dying of a rare form of leukemia. Curious, Megan reads Dax's mother Julie's blog and learns about the Lockes' journey. Inspired, Megan examines her own life and priorities.[1]
The film does not appear to have received reviews by any major professional film critics. Rotten Tomatoes has no rating for the movie.[2] Scott Rolfe at The Dove Foundation website assigns the film 5 stars out of 5, although this may reflect its acceptability for the foundation's wholesomeness for family viewing.[3]
It received a worldwide television premiere on December 4, 2012, on Gospel Music Channel (GMC).[4]