The King Family Show
The King Family Show is an American musical variety series that featured The King Sisters and their extended musical family. The series first aired on ABC from January 23, 1965, to January 8, 1966.[1] The series was revived in 1969, airing from March to September of that year.[2]
This article is about the variety show of the pop music family ensemble. For other groups, see King family (disambiguation).The King Family Show
Marc Breaux
"The Sound of Music"
United States
Nick Vanoff
Saul Ilson (1965-66)
Hour long (Jan-June 1965)
Half hour (Sept 1965-Jan 1966)
Half hour (1969)
KingFam Productions
January 23, 1965
September 10, 1969
After observing the successes of the King Family syndicated television specials, in March 1969, after the extremely controversial program Turn-On was cancelled after a single airing, ABC brought back a somewhat pared-down version of the King Family Show that focused on a sub-group of the family, the Four King Cousins (which consisted of family members Tina and sister Cathy Cole, and their cousins Candy Brand and Carolyn Cameron). This new color half-hour program occupied the Wednesday 8:30-9:00 timeslot until September of that year.[2] 13 episodes were produced and aired from March 12 thru June 11, 1969 then the entire run of the series was repeated from June 18 until September 10, 1969.
The King Family recorded albums that reflected the songs presented in the shows. Some of the albums were balanced out with performers regularly associated with the television show.