Make it clear and readable

Keep it close to the basic meaning (peshat) of the text in many places, but in other places translated it to be in accord with post-biblical and Jewish codes of law.

rabbinic commentary

Keeping it faithful to tradition[5]

Orthodox Jewish

Provide useful notes, a table of contents, illustrations, and a comprehensive index.

The Living Nach[edit]

The Living Torah was later supplemented by 3 volumes of The Living Nach:[10] Early Prophets (1994) and Later Prophets (1995) for Nevi'im, and Sacred Writings (1998) for Ketuvim. These follow Rabbi Kaplan's format and approach, and were prepared posthumously: the former two by Yaakov Elman (Yeshiva University); the third by Moshe Schapiro, M.H. Mykoff (Breslov Research Institute), and Gavriel Rubin.

Jewish English Bible translations

The Living Torah online

Full text of "The Living Torah"

Moznaim Publishing Co