The Minisode Network
The Minisode Network (later known as Crackle Minisodes) was a Sony Pictures Television internet television network launched in June 2007. The term minisode is a portmanteau of "mini" and "episode". Unlike webisodes, which are initially broadcast on the Internet, minisodes are condensed versions of previously broadcast, full length, television series.
The New York Times reported that the idea came out of a conversation between the president of Sony Pictures Television, Steve Mosko, and the head of Sony Pictures Television Distribution John Weiser, after they saw the "Seven-Minute Sopranos", a condensation of the 77-hour HBO series posted on YouTube,[1] and after watching a collection of mini clips found at the end of a DVD for the international television series titled Kung Faux that had recently released its first season as a Box Set under the promotional companion name "Bento Box TV". The DVD Box Set had been passed along by Ross Pollack, then V.P. of Sony Pictures Television in Asia, and now CEO of Celestial Pictures in Hong Kong. Kung Faux was subsequently picked up for distribution in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by Sony Pictures Television (SPE) soon after this viewing, and the idea for "The Minisode Network" was born.
Using the Sony Pictures Television library, the network consists of heavily re-edited television series designed to run from four to six minutes, yet retain the story arc from the original broadcast episode. The network is ad supported, and past sponsors have included Honda and Pepsi.[2][3]
Originally set up as part of an exclusive agreement with MySpace,[4] the network now includes several other video hosting services. According to a Sony website, the network is available on the following services: