The Shrine (film)
The Shrine is a 2010 Canadian supernatural horror film produced by Brookstreet Pictures. The film was directed by Jon Knautz and stars Aaron Ashmore, Cindy Sampson, Meghan Heffern, and Trevor Matthews. The screenplay was written by Jon Knautz, Brendan Moore, and Trevor Matthews. Ryan Shore received a 2012 Grammy Award nomination for Best Score Soundtrack for his score.
The Shrine
Jon Knautz
- Jon Knautz
- Brendan Moore
- Jon Knautz
- Brendan Moore
- Trevor Matthews
J. Michael Dawson
James Griffith
Matthew Brulotte
Brookstreet Pictures
- 25 July 2010Fantasia Festival) (
93 minutes
$1,500,000 CAD (estimated)